Chapter 37

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Zayn's Pov-

"We can't keep doing this." I had tried to explain to her. "But Zayn, what we have is real." She began to walk closer to me by each step. "No it's not." I backed away. "You know that's not true, love." She set her hand on my chest. I tripped over the small table landing on my back. "We both know that all we do is have sex then pretend we don't exist." I said about to get up again.

"What's the problem all of a sudden?" She placed each leg on one side of me. "N-Nothing, but I ju-" "Is it that new girl in your last period art class?" She purred in my ear. "N-No." Her blonde curls brushing my cheek. "Really, because I think it is." She began sucking on the skin of my neck. She knew just where my soft spot was and made me moan...loudly. "We just need to grow up." I said out of breath.

She only moved her small, pale hands against my chest. "S-Stop." I held her wrists. "Really? Because to me it doesn't sound like you want me to stop." She slipped her wrists from under my grasp somehow. She tugged my shirt up and over my head. It was like she had complete control over me. "S-Stop." I sounded like I was begging this time.

"Why?" She looked up at me, and in the moment I knew what she wanted. She only continued on, sucking at my chest skin. "Stop!" She acted as if I didn't say anything. I didn't want to hurt her feelings but if it comes down to it, I will. "PERRIE! WE'RE DONE!" I yelled and moved her off of me. I threw my shirt back on and my shoes. I was about to turn the door knob and walk away forever, and there'd be no more problems.

"I'll tell everyone." Her voice was quiet. I froze in my place, what is she talking about? When I didn't do anything she went on. "I know that you're dating your student." I whipped my head around to see her evil smirk by now. "That's an interesting notation, Perrie." I laughed trying to look like I had no idea what she was talking about. "It is, isn't it? But the thing is I am right." Her smirk only grew more and more.

"Roselyn, I believe her name is." That's when I knew that I had no choice but to see what the hell she wanted. "What do you want?" I hissed. "You, I want you and my relationship to stay the same." She grabbed a fist full of my shirt. "That's it? No harm to Rose?" I asked not trusting her once so ever. "Of course." She smiled, batting her eye lashes.

"Deal." I shook her hand.


"AHHHHHH!" I woke up screaming. I was breathing heavily, and sweating like crazy. "Fuck." I mumbled at myself, and jumped out of my bed. I stumbled down into the kitchen and poured me a glass of water. I sat on the bar chair in nothing but my green boxers that say lucky all over them. I was thinking that dream over and over. "Worst part is...that happened yesterday, and it wasn't just a dream." I spoke to myself. I groaned realization hitting me like a ton of bricks.

I threw my head against the counter top.

Louis's Pov-

"Harry!" I giggled like a school girl. "Take it back, Louis." Harry stopped for a moment. "Never!" I stuck my tongue out at him. "Fine have it your way." He replied in a sing song voice. His hands made their way back to my sides, and began to tickle me once again. The phone started to ring from across the living room. "H-Harry, let me a-answer the phone!" I breathed out in between laughs. "Not until you admit you really do love my curls." He smirked. I looked between the phone and Harry, who had his legs on each side of me trapping me.

"Fine! Fine! I love your curls!" I laughed, wiggling from underneath him. "Yay!" He cheered, his beautiful smile flashing. I took this chance and pushed him off of me and running toward the phone. "Ello?" I picked up on the last ring. "Aw." Harry pouted from his now spot on the floor. I stuck my tongue out at him again making my way to the kitchen.

"Hey, Louis?" Zayn's deep voice rang through the phone, and what scared me was how scared he sounded. "Zayn? What's wrong?" I stopped moving around in the kitchen. "I-I don't know what to do." He sounded like he was about to burst into tears. "Zayn, what do you mean?" I asked. Zayn being this upset wasn't really normal for me to see or hear. "I-I can't do this b-but if I-I don't-" "Hold on Zayn, I'll be over in just a minute." I cut him off walking back into the living room.

"H-Hurry...please." I could tell he was in tears by now. "Okay, bye." I hung up the phone while throwing my shoes on. "Boobear? Where are you going?" Harry wrapped his arms around my waist. "Zayn needs me." I turned around and gave him a kiss, I had to of course get on my tippy toes. "I'll be back soon don't worry, love." I pulled away and headed out the door.

I jumped in my car and began to back out of the drive way. "Be careful, Louis!" Harry shouted from the door. He acts like I'm the younger one here. I blew him a kiss and took off down the road. I wonder what could have Zayn this freaked out.

Zayn's Pov-

I can't fucking believe I just called Louis over here. I'm pacing around my living room with tears running down my face. "Will she find out if I tell Louis? Will Rose find out?" I question myself while pacing like crazy. "What if I just demand Perrie that it's over? No, She'd tell everyone and I'd be in jail, fired. Rose would be expelled and crushed."

"Okay, so what if Rose does find out? She'd dump me, would Perrie tell everyone anyway?" I question myself and answer some. I'm so lost and confused that I'm crying my eyes from all the stress. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?" I scream slamming my fists against the wall. "Zayn?" Louis's innocent voice asks. I quickly look up to see him standing in the door way with worry covered eyes.

"Zayn, what's going on? What's got you all worked up?" He asked walking toward me. "Louis, I don't know if I can tell you." I fell onto my couch looking down at my hands. "Why?" He asked and sat down on the couch next to me, slowly. "Because she might tell everyone!" I pulled at my hoodie sleeves. "Who Zayn?" He was slowly getting me to tell him, and I was glad someone cared.

"Perrie." I brought my hands up to my face, rubbing my eyes. "Your ex-girlfriend? The one who got fried because she was flirting with every male in sight?" Louis asked shocked. "Yeah...well every month on the 22th we'd meet at my place." I started playing with my hands. "You were still with her after that?" Louis questioned me like I was crazy.

"Not really, we still met and one night stand's with each other every month." I wiggled my thumbs around. "I didn't really ever call her and tell her that I had gotten a girlfriend." "ZAY-" "Let me finish." I cut him off from yelling. "Go on." He mumbled like a child. "Anyway, yesterday she came over. I tried to tell her we're done, but she wouldn't take no for an answer." I said looking up at Louis for a second to see he was completely serious, he's never like that.

"She said if I ended it." I looked back down at my hands, as tears slowly began to go down my cheeks again. "That s-she'd tell everyone we have a thing, both of our lives would be ruined. And I'm afraid if I don't break up with her that Rose will find out and dump me. Then She'd just do the same thing like as if I told someone." My words got quiet and quieter the more I went on.

"Zayn." He spoke and I didn't move a muscle. "Zayn, look at me." I looked up at him slowly to see his face. He had an evil look in his eye. "Let's bring this bitch down." He smirked. My sad expression got a small smile.

"I think I have a plan that would work, but first we need to let all the guys know."

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