Chapter 32

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Rose's Pov-

"W-What?" Niall choked out, surprised. I couldn't blame the poor lad, I'd be pretty confused myself." My best friend's death was my fault, I know for a fact that this had nothing to do with you Niall." I said sliding down the tree trunk into a sitting position and hugged my legs to my chest reliving that day. Niall following suit, but crossing his ankles. "H-How?" He asked quietly as if I were a ticking bomb.

I don't know what I was thinking but what I did next was something I thought I would never do, ever. It shows how screwed up my life really is, and if I could change anything in time....this is what I would change.

"Well, we were in a big fight...our first fight actually..."


I ran out of his house with tears flowing down my cheeks. "Rose!" "Rose, wait!" He screamed after me. I didn't once look back though, I couldn't this all was too much. I wanted nothing more than to have the feeling of burning against my arms and blood running onto the floor from my arms. The cold bit at my arms making me want nothing more than to have his arms around me on this dark night.

I couldn't let myself think that though..he really didn't love me. I ran down an ally way, I collapsed against the cracking black top. The rain pouring down onto my head making my hair and clothes stick to me. I cried my heart out, I couldn't believe he lied to best only friend...

It all happened at once, I never would have seen it coming. "Hey, sexy." A deep voice slurred. "W-Who's there?" My shaky voice spoke. "Look she stutters...cute." A different voice said. Soon about three voices had me cornered me. One had his whole chest pressed against mine, I tried to escape but he had me pinned against the brick wall.

"I think it's time we get you back to my place." His breath hitting my face, making me want to throw up being able to smell that much alcohol. "P-Please don't h-hurt me." I cried as he squeezed my wrists tighter. He brought his lips up to my neck and smirked before sucking hard. "Stop." I begged him. He only smirked against my skin before going down my chest unbuttoning my shirt.

"Stop!" I yelled trying my hardest to push him away but being the weak 15 year old I am...I couldn't. This made him rip it open faster, throwing it to the ground. "STOP!" I screamed for my life. Next thing I know the guy that ripped my shirt off was knocked out cold on the ground and I sat behind Brandon. The other two men were shocked at first but then jumped into realization.

Punches were being throwing left and right. So far from what I knew Brandon was winning, but then it happened. I heard that crack, one crack that would end it all. One guy jumped on Brandon cracking his shoulder. Brandon fell to the ground on his back, "BRANDON!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. They jumped off him as sirens were coming closer and closer. "Let's get outta here!" "What about boss?" "Forget him!"

They took off into the pitch black night. I couldn't stop the sobs coming from my mouth, as tears came out like waterfalls mixing with the pouring rain. "Brandon, stay with me Brandon!" I yelled hugging his body. Police and an ambulance pulled into the ally way. They quickly made their way out after spotting us. "Please Brandon...I love you."

*1 Day later*

Brandon still hasn't woken up and they say if he doesn't wake up today...he won't make it. I've sat here all night crying and holding his hand waiting. My parents just went home and Brandon's were on their way over. They take turns watching us knowing I wouldn't leave even if they tried. "Please." I sobbed. "Rose?" I look up to see his beautiful hazel eyes that have been closed for far too long.

"BRANDON!" I tackle him in a hug making him weakly chuckle. "Brandon, I missed you so much." "I know, but promise me something?" He asked barely able to be heard. "What?" "Move on." He spoke staring right into my eyes. "What?" I asked so confused. His eyes began to flutter slowly. "Oh and Rose?" He said but he didn't wait for me to reply. "I love you with all my heart." He said before nothing but beeping from his heart monitor could be heard.

"Brandon?" I asked quietly. I couldn't take it, this put me over the edge. "BRANDON!" I screamed as nurses and doctors ran in trying to revive him. "NO! NO!" I screamed nurses having to hold me back. After the doctors had finally given up I ran over to him. I held his once heat radiating hand, but now its cold in my own.

"I love you too Brandon, forever and always." I whispered one tear running down my cheek.

That was the day that Brandon Edward Williams, 16 years old, was pounced dead at 8:23.

But that day I also found out that the man who killed my best friend is the man who had kidnapped me and raped me countless times...Drew.

And I knew it was all my fault that I was the one who lead him there.

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