Chapter 19

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Zayn's Pov-

"Mrs. Clark is...alive." Everyone jumped up smiling and hugging each other. I sat in my seat letting it sink in, she's okay. I let out a huge breath and looked down at my lap as I smiled like crazy. Just as we thought everything was back to normal or as normal as we could be, something had to happen. "But, she's in a coma. I don't know how long she'll be in it." The doctor said making my smile drop.

I felt as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I felt sad, angry, but only little relief. It's like the world had frozen in time, I could hear and see everything but did nothing. I watched as everybody stopped and the smiles slowly slipped off their faces. Alex launching forward toward the doctor.

Liam's eyes widening and grabbing her just before she could lay a finger on the poor chap. I wanted to rip up everything in sight, I wanted to cry until I died, I wanted to kill that asshole who did this to her. She certainly didn't need this in her life, she's just a little fragile thing. I felt like someone had stabbed my heart.

I took a few deep breaths before realizing someone was talking to me. "Zayn?" I heard Niall's soft voice say. I looked up to see everybody staring at me. "Y-Yeah?" I asked my voice cracking. "Would you like to be the one to stay with her today?" The doctor said looking at me. I nodded slightly, I didn't know if I could take staying in there.

"You can go first, we'll come in later." Harry's deep voice spoke, I didn't respond just started following the doctor down the hallway. White halls giving off an unconformable feeling in the small hallway. We stopped outside a closed door, he had his hand on the door knob. HE turned toward me while holding the door knob still.

"I know this will be hard...but that's what comes with loving one another.." He said before opening the door letting me in before leaving and closing the door behind me. I shake off wanting to run away, forget everything. I take slow steps toward her pale non-moving body. I took the seat right next to her bedside.

I lightly moved her cold hand and locked my fingers onto her hand. I looked at her lifeless body seeing flashbacks of ever since we met only 2 short weeks ago. Silently tears slip down my cheeks splashing down onto the titled floor underneath us. "I promise, when we get out of here I'll make sure nothing will hurt you again." I whisper softly kiss the top of her ice like hand.

I take in a deep breath closing my eyes.

"Your hand fits in mine,

like it's made just for me.

But bear this in mind it was meant to be,

and I'm joining up the dots,

with the freckles on your cheek.

and it all makes sense to me."

I sang part of a song I started to write and I opened my eyes looking at Rose's face. The tears come faster, and I start to dose off as the room door opens.

I wrote that song because of Roselyn Bell Clark, but before I could speak anything to who just walked in I fell into a deep dark sleep.

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