Chapter 21

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Niall's Pov-

"And it all makes since to me..." I froze right in my spot as I opened the door. That was Zayn singing...but Zayn hasn't even hummed in years. It's all because of that one girl...she ruined him. I regained myself and continued opening the door to find Zayn sound asleep in the uncomfortable red and peach hospital chair holding Rose's hand in his lap. He looked broken and Rose just looked...pale...

I can't believe how my best friend is in love with my student. But that doesn't mean I don't support them. I decided to leave them alone, and walked back out of the room closing the door quietly. As I walked down the silent, white hallway I thought about the future. And let me tell you I see a lot more bumps in the road, or more like cracks.

I walked back in the waiting room just standing at the door way before anyone noticed I was back. I watched as Liam looked at Alex as she spoke, his eyes sparkled with something I have never seen before. Liam looked at with so and passion, that I wanted to know what was going through his head. When Alex was in the middle of talking so looked over to Liam and noticed he was staring at her. She gave him the same

They got so lost in each other Louis and Harry smiled happily looking at each other, as if Alex was never talking. My eyes flickered to Madi who sat in the corner, with mud up to her knees and covering her heels. She had her head back taking deep breaths as if to stop herself from crying. She bit her lip slightly, I realized I was so lost in her.

I started to wonder if I looked at Madi like Liam and Alex look at each other, Louis and Harry , or as Zayn and Rose. I had never seen a s glance at someone that held so many things. No one I'd seen had that look, not any of the other lads, not the other girls, no aunts and uncles, not grandma and grandpa, I have never since anyone look at someone with so much emotion, so much passion before Rose and Zayn.

I guess I usually don't notice anything because I talk so much never taking a chance to observe anything. I could learn some things, I finally walked into the room going to sit by Madison. As I sat she lifted her head and opened her eyes looking up at me, with those beautiful brown eyes. "Hey, Madi." I said smiling. "H-Hey." She choked out and sniffed quickly.

"Hey, hey. Everything's going to be ok, the doctor said she was up and breathing." I said softly. "I know, but still-" "It's going to be okay." I whispered and pulled her in for a hug noticing she was going to cry and she did.

*4 Days Later*

Zayn's Pov-

I have been in this little white room for four days straight, the boys have been bringing me clothes and food. But I barely eat it, and only quickly change into a new pair of pants and a shirt. I had stinging eyes thinking about what the doctors had told me, she was suppost to wake up the first day she was here. It scares me, it really does

It was 6 o'clock and just turning dark outside, not that I've been even outside this room for awhile. I have been hoping that she'd wake up and I could just hear her voice again. I know it's only been four days but I worry about her so much. I wouldn't be able to image if something happened to her. I may have only had her come into my life for a short period but I know I wouldn't, couldn't be able to live without her.

I had practically grown into that chair, and I knew soon the boys and Madi and Alex would be here again to check up on Rose and me. They come everyday at 6 in the morning and 6:22, I don't know why they just do. I moved the hard as a rock chair closer to her bed, and I took her hand in mine. I decided that I could just tell her out loud how much I want her to come back. They do say they could possibly hear you, so here goes nothing.

"R-Rose, please come b-back. I-I miss you terribly. I-I don't k-know what t-to do if you left m-me." I said, voice cracking as I choked out the words. I sniffed like crazy to keep the tears inside, that's probably the first time I've really said a full sentence since she was put in this state. "P-Please." I choke out, it taking all my strength.

I stare at her hand that held mine perfectly. "Z-Zayn?" I hear her sweet soft voice shake out. I quickly look up to see if my mind was playing tricks on me. " was cold.." She mummers. I smiled most likely the biggest smile that has ever danced on my lips. I quickly get up hugging her, she seems shocked at first but hugest me back just as tight.

"Love, you scared me!" I said pulling away holding her cheeks in my hands. I ran my thumb along side her face as she spoke. "Zayn, I saw him.." She whispered a few tears ran down her beautiful face in a neat straight line. "Saw who?" I ask confusedly whipping away her salty tears. "I saw him.." She whispered louder this time, and smiling.

"What?" Right, now I was more bewildered now than ever. Raised her head letting her tearful, sparkling eyes fall upon my own eyes. "I saw him..." She cheered before more tears ran down her cheeks. She was smiling like crazy, but yet still tears fell down her eyes as if they were waterfalls. "I got to hug him for the first time in 3 years..." She said hugging me quickly then let go.

Just then a doctor bust through the door with the lads, Alex, and Madi. Everyone looked over at us surprised, because you could tell she was crying from the tear stains and the wet spots on my shirt, and because she was smiling like the mad hatter maybe even had a larger smile that played at her lips.

The doctor asked us to leave so he could ask her questions and check her heath. I walked behind everyone as they smiled, and cheered that she was awake and breathing.

But what couldn't get out of my mind were her words...

"I got to hug him for the first time in 3 years..."

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