How to deal with people who get on your nerves

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1. Speak with gentleness and patience. Remember, this is a chance to work on your patience.
2. Make a list of all their positive attributes in your head. Compliment them. People tend to be more agreeable when you honestly compliment them.
3. Smile, because your attitude can change theirs (to some extent).
4. Be careful to lead the conversation. Watch their words. If you are leading, you will save yourself the frustration of being backed into a corner.
5. If you have to tell them something they don't want to hear, pretend to sympathize with them.
6. If it's possible, slip out of a conversation before it gets tense. If it is not, find ways to relax them. If they feel like you are on their side you will do much better.
7. What you can't accomplish with force, accomplish with gentleness.

A/n I am writing this for myself but feel free to read or to add suggestions. Please feel free to criticize my suggestions as well. : )

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