Girls || Girls Night In

Start from the beginning

"I don't understand," Percy muttered.

"They were just here," Nico whispered harshly.

"Where could they have gone?" Frank inquired quietly.

You stood above the five unsuspecting boys and glowered down at them. "Turn around."

They all visibly flinched as one by one they turned their heads to see Annabeth, Piper, Reyna, Hazel, and you staring down at them.

Percy gulped. "H-Hey girls... What's up?"

Jason laughed weakly. "Yeah. What are all of you doing out here?"

Annabeth glared down at her boyfriend. "Well, we were trying to have a girls night, but we heard some strange noises and came to investigate."

Piper raised an eyebrow at Jason. "We thought it might be monsters, but no. It's just five boys trying to spy on us."

Nico looked up at you guys with pure terror in his eyes. "W-We didn't mean any harm."

Frank was paralyzed with shock as he stared up at you all.

Leo nodded. "Y-Yeah. We just wanted to..." He grimaced as he struggled to come up with a good idea.

"Wanted to...?" You questioned.

"Wanted to watch the movies with you!" Percy said quickly.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow at you showing that she didn't believe them one bit.

Piper held the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger.

Hazel held her hand to her mouth to conceal her quiet laughter.

Reyna rolled her eyes.

You looked down at them. "Is that it?"

"Yes?" Jason said, although it sounded more like he was asking.

You chuckled. "Well then come on in. We have enough room for five more."

The boys eyed you cautiously. After all, this could be a prank to get back at them.

You smiled at them and pushed the cabin door wide open. "Come on in guys." You and the other girls filed in and gathered back around the movie player. You clicked play and the movie resumed.

It took the boys a good five minutes before they dared to creep into the cabin. As they became more comfortable they soon joined their respective girls to watch the movie.

You grinned at them as everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves--even Nico.

Soon everyone started to grow tired and the first ones to fall asleep were the boys.

You, being the most wide awake one, got up and walked over to your trunk. You opened the lid and began rummaging.

Reyna yawned. "(Y/n)? What are you doing?"

You pulled out the permanent marker and uncapped it with a devious grin. "I told you guys we'd get them back for spying on us. Now go to sleep."

Her eyes slightly widened in approval and she lay down to sleep.

You stood over your first victim with a grin. "Sorry about this Neeks."

The next morning the boys couldn't figure out why you were all laughing at them. Granted if they had just looked at each other they'd understand, but that would have ruined the shock they all had when they looked in the mirror. Guess they learned their lesson not to spy on a Girls Night In.



SAVE ME I DONT WANT TO GO TO HIGH SCHOOL. I went to orientation today and everyone was so tall and it was scary! All my friends tell me I'm at average height being 5ft 3in. but everyone at orientation was a good three inches taller than me. >~< True terror is known when you're in a long hallway trying not to be trampled by the upperclassmen.

I wish summer would never end. Or at least it could go on for another month.

I think that the worst part of going off to high school though is going to be switching schools and not knowing anyone again. It sucks more than anything. But at least we're all going to be new. I hope my friend making skills aren't rusty.

On a side note, I'm hooked on vampire books. My mom finally let me read the twilight series and I've been marathoning the pat week. I'm almost done with the third one and man those books are thick. They're really good though. The movies are kind of eh but I love the books. I need to calm down though. I may be observing too much.

But earlier I had a revelation. Maybe the reason why I rant on and on to one friend is cause I don't have any other friends to rant to so it just gets bottled and bottled up until I explode throwing up information to that one person until they're sick of me. Oops...

Mr. Avocado 🐙: alright Simp it's late and you're ranting again.

Simp: right.

Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed Girls Night In and if you did please vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter.


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