Apollo || Only You

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Seven months ago...

"Excuse me miss!"

You turned around on that bright sunny day to see a young man running toward you holding a wallet.

He brushed his shaggy blonde hair from his face. "I think you may have dropped this."

You took the wallet with a grateful smile. "Thank you so much."

He beamed at you. "It's not problem." He held out his hand. "My name's Apollo."

"Like the Greek god?" You asked shaking it.

He looked down. "Kinda. My parents are really into that kind of stuff."

"Well Apollo, I'm (y/n)."

He smiled kindly. "What a gorgeous name."

Your face flushed and you glanced down opening up your wallet to see a twenty that you didn't remember putting in. "Hey, um, I know we like just met and all, but I'd like to buy you a coffee or something. A little thank you for returning this to me."

He nodded. "I know a quaint little shop down the street. It's good and it's reasonably priced."

"My kind of place."

He smiled and started down the street.

Fifteen minutes later you were at a table for two across from Apollo laughing at a story he told you.

"You're joking!" you cried with laughter.

"No I'm not! My brother actually dropped a net on him."

"That's horrible but pretty funny. Did your brother break up with her after he caught them?"

He shook his head. "No. Hephaestus really loves her and he really can't."

"Why?" You asked with a frown.

"I'll explain it to you later, if you agree to go out with me again?" He asked hopefully.

You smiled at him. "You know, I just might." You grabbed a napkin and scribbled your number on it. "Give me a call sometime and we'll set it up."

His eyes visibly lit up and he nodded. "I will. Thank you. Here, I have a poem for you." He cleared his throat.

"Her eyes shine like gems,
Her hair has glorious shine,
I'm so glad she's mine."

You blushed slightly. "I don't know if that was so bad it's good or just sweet, but thank you." As you stood up your sleeve hit the corner of the half full coffee cup and the burning liquid squirted all over you. "Ah!" You shrieked as a burning sensation swept across your arm leaving burn marks.

Apollo shot up and he was at your side in an instant he grabbed your arm at the burn site.

Simultaneously the pain faded.

He frowned in concentration as he held your arm gingerly.

You watched him in wonder while he seemed to cool the burn with just a touch.

After a couple seconds he pulled his hand away and looked up at you. His eyes swept across your face as he looked for a reaction.

You rolled up your dampened sleeve expecting to see scorch marks, but your skin was as clear as ever, if not more so. You looked at him. "H-How did you do that?"

He cocked his head. "Do what?"

"Oh don't play dumb with me. I spilt my coffee and it should have left a mark, but you touched it and..." You frowned.

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