Short story: Another day

Start from the beginning

After that fantasy moment Peter turn back to where Sanity stood as dark thoughts enter his mind which was reflected off by his green eyes darkening with his hair casting a shadow over it and revert into his mad side. Now Sanity wished she had left when she had the chance. "Say my little magician..." Peter slowly said as he let out a dark chuckle  at the pet name and a crazy smile form. "I wonder how your blood taste like?" He said and he lifted up his head to show the madness in his eyes and his grin grew while he draws out his scissors from his breast pocket. He laughs, "I'm sorry if it hurt, but I can kiss it better!" He said 'innocently' as his twirl the scissors. "Oh sweet queen of bees.." She mutters with her brown eyes wide as her survival instincts kicked in as she ran away from Peter with her ponytail flying. Peter giggles insanely as his eyes  flashed red "Oh my dear Sanity.. You can't escape from your love..." He said as he follow after.

People would had notice this happening...

If it weren't for Frank cause a scene at the other side of the school...

(Meanwhile during that event)

Back to Frank now while he was still running away from Peter and screaming out random things. He stopped suddenly as he saw a quarter on the ground. He stared at it before smiling before picking it up "Oh my gosh a quarter!" He cheered as he jumped with excitement. "Hi mr. Quarter! I'm Frank!" He said to the quarter as if it was a person. In his mind he heard the quarter talk back. 'Nice to meet you Frank, thanks for picking me up, the floor was rather dusty there' the quarter said as Franks laughs "No problem Mr. Quarter! Say how the floor like?" He asked while smiling more and begin to have a conversation with the quarter as he walked down the halls.

People who walked pass him looked at him weirdly but people who knew Frank just shrugged him off, they were always used to seeing Frank act out. Frank walked pass the Queer twins as they whispered their plans about the next prank and victim, this time the target was Frank.

The plan was to make Frank fall over by tripping him That doesn't seem too creative but hey we are talking about kids here so it can't be complex. Plus their goal was also to manage to steal the quarter he had. They would be 25 cent more richer and can buy that candy bar they saw in the vending machine outside the school. They sneakily went in their position as they set their plan into action. Sam stuck his leg out while whistling like he wasn't paying attention as Sarah stood from the sidelines, waiting like a vulture circling for it's next meal. Frank was about the hit the leg while he was talking to the quarter and the plan would had gone perfectly.

If it wasn't for the fact that Janice was showing a magic trick for some student a few feet away, standing out for Frank to see.

Frank felt sudden rush of memories of that 'incident' (see his Character talk) as he felt something inside of him snap and begin screaming loudly which caused the student to wince due to the volume. Frank then being dangerously swinging his arms around as one hit Sam in the face and Sam yelled in pain while he kept saying his nose was broken because the nose was bleeding. Frank soon begin running up to a frighten Janice (who was already scared enough from the Peter incident, see the last short story) and shook her violently like he thought she was a toy. People begin screaming telling him to stop and put her down but Frank doesn't. He doesn't realize what he is doing. In his eyes all he could see was black figure, smiling and laughing at him and Frank didn't want it to be there and tried to make it go away as he screams in pure terror.

The nurses finally came as they subdue him and earned only a few bruises while they placed him in a strait jacket. They took Frank, Janice, and Sam to the nurse office and while inside Frank was laughing like crazy as he muttered incomprehensible things to himself and giggles at the end of each statement.

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