Chapter Twenty-six

Start from the beginning

Face palming myself I muttered, "Stupid, stupid, Jessa."

I was halfway down the hallway when a male voice called for me. I turned around and was met with a breathless Xavier with swollen lips. He was the colour of a poppy flower    red. Although everything he said one thing, "Ew? What do you mean ew? I'm pretty sure you lip locked before."

I took notice that he didn't say Niall. Thanks bud. "Well it's just that I've never seen another pair kissing up close before. Sure in movies but in person . . . it's weird. Like gross weird. You were hovering over her and your lips didn't seem to leave each others. In books it sounds cute and romantic but its nasty. There was tongue. I saw freaking tongue, " I shivered. "You guys went for a French kiss."

As if it wasn't impossible, more blood rushed up to Xavier's face. I would've teased him but as you can see I'm kind of uncomfortable. Maybe later.

As if on cue a flustered model-like girl came by to stand beside Xavier. She flashed a smile and stuck her hand out, "Hi, I'm Izzy, Xavier's girlfriend. Although I guessed that was confirmed about what you saw. Sorry, you had to see that."

"Jessa, Xavier's best friend. No need to apologize. I just totally love barging in when he's French kissing someone. Everyone's dream to have that picture when they're sleeping. Plus, I should be the one who's sorry. The least I could have done was knock."

Her face became crimson as she and Xavier intertwined fingers. Aww, that's cute. And that also made me sad.

Xavier cleared his throat, "So. . ."

"I'm guessing you're the 'special friend' that's coming tomorrow." They nodded in agreement. Well, I'm going to be a third wheel. Yipee. "Well, I'm going to leave you two French kissers to get on with it. I'm going to go outside. I miss my country."

"That's good! You need vitamin D."

"Yeah whatever. No shoo."

As they turned around, I tapped Izzy on the shoulder as a signal for her to hold up.

I tried my best to look as intimidating as ever and warned, "I'd hate to leave this impression but it needs to be said: Break his heart and I will make sure you'll rot in hell, with or if you're lucky without some broken limbs."

She gulped and nodded.

She seems nice.

I went down the stairs and opened the door. I walked down the driveway and was stopped by a taxi pulling up to the curb. And out stepped the most unexpected human being in the world.....


Avery Surtha.

My friggen sister.

 Her head turned from side to side taking in her surroundings. I didn't even get the chance to hide before she saw me and walked towards me. About to run, she sped up her pace and laced her fingers around my wrist. I spun around to face her and tried to twist my hand out of her grip.

"Quit struggling. I just want to talk. I didn't travel all the way here for you to run away before you hear me out," Avery reasoned.

I stopped wriggling out of her hands and she, eventually, let me go. She sighed in relief, knowing I wasn't going to run away. Not yet at least. . .

"Okay. So here it goes. . . I don't know what happened a couple of days before. I don't know what you think or how it's going. What I do know is that shit went down between us ever since we were little. That we don't have the same relationship, the same bond you and Killian have. Sure there are times where I saw you wanting at attention and all I did was steal it from you. For that you despised me and the other way around. What you need to know is that I would do the same to Killian if he tried. But Killian doesn't and that's what makes him, him. Their attention is all I wanted, because academics was all I had. I never was into sports or made a lot of friends. That's you. The only way I knew to achieve their love was through academic marks and grades. "

My mouth hung open. I tried to form a response in my mouth, but nothing would come out. How do you even come up to a reply to that? So I said the only thing my mind could think of, "I'm not sure what I should say."

Avery's expression softened, "How about you agree to start over. A fresh start. Where I can be the bigger sister I should be.  I don't want you to look back and remember me as your older, bitter sister. And I don't want to go through life knowing that I could've changed it."



"Yeah, I mean sure we have a crappy past, but I'm willing to let it stay in my past for a better future. So, let's do it." I smiled. "Hey, how did you know I was here?"

She scoffed, "You may hated me, but you still are my sister. If you could go anywhere to clear your mind to get away from everything, you would go to only once place: home." So she has been paying attention to me. Lovely. "I'm not going to make you come back, nor tell anyone you're here. I've got to go, but as your sister I have got to let you know..." She trailed off as she dug through her bag looking for something. Eventually, she brought out a magazine and handed it to me.

On the front page was a picture of a familiar looking blonde boy with sunglasses on, shading the flashes of cameras from his eyes. He held onto the wrist of another girl. She had hazel brown hair and caramel eyes. Her prescription glasses hung on the bridge of her nose and her hand was making a movement as to reposition it on her face. She was pretty in a cute way and I already hated her.

Above, the title read, "Niall's girl makes an appearance." It wasn't even a question. They already knew she was his and vice versa. I shouldn't be jealous, but I was fuming with rage. I should be happy for him, but I wanted to cry my heart out again.

Avery stood, looking at me sympathetically, "I know it's hard, but you needed to know. Take your time to recover, but come home soon, okay? Mom and dad and Killian are worried. I'll see you there." With that she hailed a taxi and disappeared.

My once somewhat broken heart has just shattered into a million pieces, again.

I'm back at stage one, again.

My freaking god. I hate relationships.


A/N- terrible? horrible? okay? didn't kill you?

sorry i took so long. I've been reading a lot lately

anyways thank mi bestie for being so annoying for me to update

two to three chappies left ;)


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