N o t h i n g n e s s

Start from the beginning

Again. I didn't like it.

"God's do not exist!" I violently roared out as my body took shape.

My muscles doubled, tripled, even quadrupled in size as my bones grew inside of me. Finally, my skin toughened, turning into midnight black that somehow contrasted greatly with the poisonous darkness around me. With a snarl, I brought my fists down to the ground; splitting it as the jagged ground bursted up dangerously and only just missed him as he jumped away.

This time I scattered up the wall, using the candleholder as a grip before throwing myself into the rafters.

"The only God that ever was, was Vladimir Mészáros! And he will remain the only true God to have ever roamed this god forsaken world!" I announced staring down at him, disregarding his words. I wouldn't let a little power fool me.

He was sick. And like a sick animal he needed to be put down.

I waited for his move as he quickly followed me up without delay, his mouth in a permanent smile as he watched me. Up here I would have the upper hand --if his little wind trick hit me again, I could right myself before I hit the ground. Without another thought, I lurched forward at top speed. With an impossibly fast sidestep, my fist landed into the wooden beam as he smirked at me. But that didn't stop me as I kicked off from the now snapped beam and once again threw my weight at him before cracking his nose with my fist. The crunch vibrated on my knuckles before the wind or whatever the fûck attack could throw me off of him.

His expression went livid as he growled out, his mixed red and black blood spilling all over his face for a mere second before healing. I didn't wait for his attack as I flashed away, hiding from his sight as I planned my next move. A normal hit like that would have crushed my opponents skull into two; the air around him was harder to get by and it made no bloody sense.

"You're like a tiny bug under my foot hiding in the cracks of my shoe. Stop hiding so I can squash you and get it over with!" He hissed before suddenly changing his mood as he let out another snicker while I watched from below, "You should have realized by now: Vladimir's blood is nothing compared to what I have running inside my veins. He is nothing compared to me! He is inferior while I am superior!" His laughter went high-pitched, distorting into madness as I watched the air around him pulsate like a heartbeat.

My hand tore off a pointed piece of wood from the wrecked stage of the alter, holding the stake securely as I ground my teeth in anxiety. This had to work. Tightening my grip, I moved fast enough so not to be seen as his eyes flickered around, trying to find me. If I stayed in one place for too long he would smell me so I had to be quick. I made my way back up to the rafters, quickly finding an opening behind him before giving it all that I had as I thrusted the stake directly towards his heart.

But then everything hung timelessly in the air; it stilled as if I and the stake were logged into goo rather than the nothingness. Everything stopped except for Miguel only a mere inch -not even- away from being staked in the heart. He turned around with the expression of someone crazy. His lips stretched into a wide grin as his dark eyes bugged out of his head.

He was playing with me. And his immense power was suddenly suffocating as it hung in the air.

The nothingness tightened around my neck before releasing my body; dangling me by the invisible force.

"The Senekeyta was the first to rise—" I spat out of my choking throat, glaring at him with all the hate in the world as he stood there laughing at my pathetic state. "We will be the last to fall." I promised him.

He shook his head, his eyes closing in bemusement, "No, no. You got that wrong." His eyes flashed open again, as he took hold of the stake still hanging in the air. He twirled it around his fingers, the piece of wood moving as if it had a will of its own. "Senekeyta won't fall --it will be wiped from existence." He gestured his hand towards the ground and the air around me immediately listened; propelling me into the hard ground at such speed I felt every bone in my back and neck break seconds before healing then snap again from the reverberations.

I coughed up blood as I stayed pinned down, my body loosing its strength as it transformed back into my human form. Miguel stepped off the ledge, landing a foot away from my head.

"It's our turn to rule now." He purred, "And nobody can stop us." His fingers snapped and I watched in horror as all the xV's began to crawl their way through the crumbling church around us. As I lay unable to move from the spot, he pointed the stake over my heart and with the devious curl of his lips, he simply dropped it.


:o did I just kill him? ;) we'll see...
But besides that, sorry about taking so goddamn long with this. I SUCK majorly at fight scenes and I also had no idea how to go about this with Miguel. I still might change it whenever I edit the crap out of this book.. But for now it will do. Despite how freaking rusty it is 😬😅

Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading xx

colours of viridian | BOOK ONE | J a d e d ✔️Where stories live. Discover now