Chapter Twø: New frens

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Inside a building.

"I am so so sorry i'm late! There are no excuses!" Zoey apologized. "Miss Dawson, how do you expect anyone to take you if you're always late." Manager stated. "I know i know. It was my fault. I just don't have a car, I missed the bus, and I really need this job.." Zoey got quiet. The manager sighs. "I can not condone this behavior here at the Red Art Institution." "Please! I really need this! At least get to know me for me. I have my sketchbook with me. I can show you my work, my passion, show you i'm serious." Zoey begged. He looked her up and down. "Alright. Very well, show me what you have to offer." Her face lit up. "Of course! Thank you! You won't be disappointed!" She reached in her bag. Zoey was able to feel it. All emotion dropped from her face. "Is there an issue Miss. Dawson?" Her face began to turn red. " No no no" she chuckled awkwardly. She grabbed her bag and looked inside moving stuff around. It wasn't there. But she knew she left the house with it. Her face became redder and redder as the blood rushed to her cheeks and she felt her anxiety rise. "I'm waiting." He said impatiently. "It''s not here..." she said in disbelief. "I-i don't understand" he sighs one last time. "Listen Miss.Dawson, i'm sure you're a wonderful artist but I'm going to have to decline your request..". Zoey felt the tears swell up in her eyes. "No! Please!" She held them back. She wasn't about to cry, not again, especially in front of someone like him. "Good luck. Next!" She couldn't believe it. She started pleading and begging until he called security. "Get her out of here!" As they went to grab her, she shoved them off. "DON'T TOUCH ME!! I'm perfectly fine walking out on my own."

10 minutes later outside
"I can't believe it....i'm such a fuck up.." Zoey held back her pain. Her phone started ringing. "Hm?"
*Unknown caller*
She forwards it. Not in the mood to speak to anyone. As she walks to the end of the sidewalk she realizes she has no change for a cab. "Guess I'm walking..."

To Josh
"No answer?" Tyler questioned. "Nope. Maybe it's a wrong number." Josh frowned. "Orrrr she's busy dude. Don't worry, you'll see her again." Tyler smiled. "You think?" Josh smiled big. He couldn't help but admit he did wanna see her again. "Hey I'll be back, Jenna wants me to call her." Tyler left the room. Josh got up and walked over to his drums. Feeling the drums and getting excited about the upcoming tour. "It's gonna be sick" he thought to himself. He sat down and started to play. Hours and hours went by until it was 8 something pm. He stopped drumming because the sound of his growling stomach was killing his vibe. He headed into the kitchen to find some left over tacos (of course) in the fridge from last night. Tyler was passed out on the couch so Josh headed to his room to eat. He sat in his bed going through Netflix looking for something to watch. He plays The Walking Dead and continues to eat. He looks over at the end of his bed and notices her sketchbook. Josh leans forward and grabs it. Wiping the grease off his hands, he then starts to go through it. Carefully eyeing every drawing. All the details and wondering where'd she learn to do stuff like this. Time flies by as he flips page for page, drawing for drawing, quote for quote. Before he knows it it's 1am. He continues going through it and starts feeling uncomfortable. The drawings growing darker and darker. Josh starts to wonder if he should be going through it anymore. It's getting personal and he feels like he's violating her. The pink haired boy slowly closes it and sets it on his night stand. He lays down on his side and can't help but wonder what's she going through...and if she's ok. He knew what it was like to deal with that pain and darkness. Eventually his mind calms down as he falls asleep.

The next morning
To Zoey
*Alarm clock goes off* "mmmmm" she mumbled. Looking over at the clock to see it's 10am already. She was up most of the night looking for her sketchbook and tearing up the apartment. She eventually gave up and went to sleep. It was one of those days. Where she didn't wanna talk to anyone. She just wanted to stay in bed all day and cry and sleep. That was the plan...well...until her phone went off.

*Unknown caller*
Zoey groaned. "Who is this?!" She slid over on her bed over to her night stand and grabbed the phone. "Hello?" She said in a groggy voice. "Oh! Hey! I didn't think you'd answer haha" the familiar voice joked. "I'm sorry?" Zoey was confused. "Righttt, um it's me, the guy from yesterday." "What guy?" "You, uh, ran into me. Remember? Or or! I ran into you! Either way I'm sorry." Josh said frantically. "Oh! Yeah no it's ok it was mine fault." She laughed. "May i ask what you were in a rush for?" He asked curiously. "Job interview" she sighed. "Did you make it ok? Did you get it?" Josh asked enthusiastically.

"Why did he care so much?" Zoey thought.

"Yeah I was fine but no...I was late. And I was missing something for it." She frowned. "Oh sorry I brought it up..." he felt guilty. "Stop being sorry you dork. Um by the did you get my number...?" "You dropped your sketchbook yesterday. I found your number in the back. I wanted to return it to you." You could feel his smile through the phone. "Ohhhh! Oh my gosh! Of course! Damn it!" She face palmed. "What?" Josh was confused. "I needed it for the interview but I couldn't find it." "Oh no, i'm sor-" she cut him off "don't say it" she laughed. "Ok" he chuckled." Did you wanna come pick it up?" "Sure! That'd be awesome. Where?" "How about where we met yesterday? Is that ok?" She smiled. "Yeah haha what's your name by the way?" "I'm Josh but you can call me spooky too." He grinned. "Spooky?" She laughed. " Totally. DJ Spooky Jim." Josh laughed. Zoey smirked "alrighty spooky well I'm Zoey. When do you wanna meet?" "Whenever you want." "Now?" She asked. "Yeah sure!" He immediately regretted saying it so fast. "Alrighty see you soon then...wait.... you didn't look in my sketchbook did you?" Her voice became sorrow.

"Oh god! I knew i shouldn't have opened it! What do I say??" He thought.

"No why?" Josh lied feeling the guilt set in. "Just asking... please don't." "Of course. Well imma get ready...bye Zoey." "Bye Spooky" she laughed.

They hung up and all Josh could think was how he shouldnt have looked in it but at the same time what's she trying to hide. He got up and threw on his NASA shirt and some black skinnies. He grabbed his jacket and headed off.

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