Chapter 32 part-2

Start from the beginning

       Raftar already seems too pissed off and maybe this is my last breakfast with him so I should not infuriate him more and just eat that thing.

   Why do I have the feeling this is not be your last breakfast with him? I subconscious talks back .

  Positive. Think positive. I hiss at her.

  Oh dont lie to yourself. But , anyways what ever sails your boat.

              I walk to the counter and sit down. I look down on the borosil  plate filled with some leaves and vegetables and is that cheese or mayonnaise or cream?  Well I have no Idea but the edible gooey substance added to the vegetables just makes it even more inedible.

        I look at Raftar and find him staring at me intensely watching out my every move daring me to oppose him.   I guess he wants me to argue. I know that sounds stupid but his look says it all like he is ready to strike the moment I start to complain. But then I wont give him the satisfaction. I pick some leaf from the plate between my two fingers and place it my mouth.

Ehhh bland food!

      I scowl at the plate and look at Raftar to see his raised eyebrow. He is waiting for me to complain. But I stand still to my words.... Oh um thoughts... I take the salt shaker and add it to my food then pepper . I think once again and add a little bit more of  salt and pepper. I take the spoon and all at once dunk it in the place . Grab the contents onto the cup of the spoon and shove it into my mouth.

   Hmm .... Perhaps , not bad.

        I take bit bites and finish off the contents from the plate. I chunk down the glass of orange juice which seems the only edible thing to me and put the glass down. I wipe the white gooey substance off my lips with the back of my hand and turn to look at Raftar who without doubt is looking at me. But eh... Is that a .... Smile? 

Yup that sure as hell looks like a smile oh and damn Adonis would be put to shame infront of him.

            To disarm me he winks at me and I swear I felt all tingles . My lower jaw hung low. He gets up from the chair and pulls on his jacket that was wrapped around the chair .

  " Abid will take you to your maiden home . Get in the living room in 5 . " he then walks away with a triumphant smile while I look at his back with my jaw hung low acting all chimp.

                     As Raftar said exactly after five minutes I met Abid in the living room. He smiled at me and I returned the smile. He seems nice. He doesn't have that 24/7 Im in mafia look on his face like Raftar has. I follow him outside with a bag. When he asked me about it , I told him I wanted to put away some clothes back at my maiden home. I couldn't say Gifts because I was under house arrest so that option was ruled out but seems like he bought my lie. 

              I dont know when I dosed out but seems like five minutes ago I sat in the car and then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I open eyes and see ammi's home.

  Oops , my home.

            With a big Grin on my face I enter the house . Abbu looks shocked and so does Ammi . I pull them in a hug and we continue the chat we left out yesterday. I help Ammi prepare meals . They we both do our afternoon prayers while Abbu goes to the mosque. We have our meals like we used to when I was MS.Khushbu khan and not to forget the food . The tasty home made food with spices. Thank god I will be staying here I dint want to suffer that torture again.

                Ammi and I are in the drawing room. Abbu went to office after his lunch and will be returning home late . Ammi puts on some crappy daily soap where practically every women weeps. Boring! I know.

  " so khushbu when are you leaving beta? (Child) "  Ammi asks me I dont know what ammi says for this. She shurely wont deny if I want to stay here .

" Ammi , Im staying here. " I say nonchalantly.

" but Raftar came back just now . Dont you think you should spend time with him. " Ammi reduces the volume of the T.V.

  " yes, but Raftar is going to the main Mansion. That means leaving country. He thinks I will go with him , which by the way I wont. May be I would have agreed if it was for few days or weeks but he wants me to shift there permanently to which I won't agree. I don't want to leave the states and you all. " I take a deep breath after my speech.

" khushbu, does Raftar know this ? "

  " no ,Ammi he doesn't " I try and stay calm but ammi freaks out.

  " Khushbu! I know how fast things seemed to move but beta (child) he is your husband , you have to be with him. You go where he goes. " she explains to me like Im a five year old.

" No ammi I dont care . Im not leaving . " I fold my hands. This time Ammi's face turns red with anger.


  " khushbu! " her words come out strong and commanding. " you are going with Raftar."

  " but-"

" you are going . Thats All. You need to give your marriage a chance. Im sure you dint even let him see your hair let alone touch you. You have to try and go with him and work it out. "

" No ammi I dont want to go! "Ammi fumes out and stands . She faces me and yells.

" you have turned out to be a disgrace khushbu! " that hurt. Really hurt. " I had so many expectations from you... But you....! " she turns her head right to control her self them speaks out something I never hoped she would.

" look khushbu, you want to stay here ?! Sure, your welcome. But Only if the ties are bond with Raftar. Only as his wife will you earn the right to enter this house. You leave your husband , then the doors are closed . " I feel my heart shatter. Shatter into millions of tiny pieces.

  Disgrace! You are a disgrace !

Leave your husband , then the doors are closed.

        These were the words that linger in my mind continuously. She drags me to the cars waiting outside. She hands them the bags and pushes me into the car. I don't fight her. I let her do what she wants to do. The only word she utters before slamming the car door with a stone hard emotionless face is " next time return with your husband only. Safe journey "  and the car goes off.

     A single lone tear slips my eye. My broken heart scattered on the floor.

     A disgrace! That is what Im now!

                   Yeyyyyyyyy !!!! I know I said a short chapter and part 2 .. Blah blah but hey! Just couldn't stop myself . The moment I started I just couldnt seem to stop!  So where do you think is khushbu going? Where do you think is the mansion... The country I mean... Well comment it below i would love to know your thoughts :)

And well....... Love for mr.mafia just reached 100k views and 4.5k likes !!!! Omg I just cant belive it and the cherry on top is that this story is #26 in Romance!!!! So yeah .... Thank sooooooo much guys! Like and comment 👇🏼

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