RR29 Final Revenge

Start from the beginning

By this time, he had started to come to. Any broken bones that he had were healing fast but that did not worry the red head. She was confident he wouldn't be able to break free once she was done with him.

Ivan quickly glanced around the room with his eyes and then laughed to himself.

"So what now little spider? You can't keep me here forever."

The smile Natalia offered him was unnerving. It was too similar to his own when he played the tormentor. She said nothing but got up and walked out of his view. He couldn't turn his head but he heard a scraping noise and then he knew what she was going to do.

Natalia was dragging the heavy machine that had stolen her innocence, but she was not going to wipe his memory. In fact, she wanted him to remember everything he had done to her and countless others while she killed him.

The machine was dragged across the lab and then placed within arm's length to his side, knowing that he would never be able to reach it. She then ripped a panel open and then started tying the wires to the coils binding him to the chain link cage. When she was finished, she took a step back and admired her work.

She couldn't quite tell, but she thought she could see a glint of fear in the man's eyes. He was a coward. Never taking her eyes off of his, she placed her hand on the lever that had caused her so much pain and then pulled it.

The room became bright with the glow of electricity surging through the wires and into the coils wrapped around Ivan's body. The chain link cage only amplified the current and she started to smell the scent of searing flesh. The screams of agony the man emitted made Natalia want to leave the room, but she needed to watch Ivan Petrovich die. She watched his body grow weaker and weaker. Any normal human would have died in the first few seconds but Ivan was hanging on for dear life. For two whole minutes she watched with no regrets until his eyes finally closed.

Grabbing onto the lever again, she turned the machine off. Smoke came from every orifice of his burned body and relief flooded through Natalia. It was finally over, the princess had slayed the dragon and it was finally time to leave the castle forever. She walked to the door and stood in its frame wondering what to do next in her life. She was never granted the opportunity to do whatever it was she wanted.

"It isn't over," she heard whispered from behind her. Ivan had somehow lived and was still trying to make her life hell.

"It will never be over," he said from his restraints. "Your daughter will be found and the next phase..."

His words were cut short. Natalia had whipped around faster than she ever had before and ran towards her monster. She jumped and planted her right boot into Ivan's chest, hearing his rib cage shatter and her left foot on his shoulder, shattering that as well. In the same moment, she grabbed onto the sides of his head and then pulled as hard as she could.

Tendons snapped, his neck broke, skin ripped and then his head separated from his shoulders. Natalia flipped backwards with the head of the dragon in her hands and then landed as gracefully as a cat. Not even looking at the body the head had left behind, she turned and walked to the courtyard to meet Loki, Ivan's severed head still in her hand.


Loki saw her emerge from the building and sighed with relief, and then gasped when he saw what was in her hand. He watched as she grabbed a post from the ground and drove it into the frozen ground in front of the compound door. She stabbed the head onto the post and then turned away without a backward glance. It was her message to any of Ivan's followers. The same would happen to them if they followed her.

Loki embraced her when she reached him and he could just feel the relief coming from her body.

"We have to finish it. We need to destroy the rest of serums on the supply trucks."

Loki objected. "You need to rest Natalia; you have been through more than anyone should have gone through."

"I can't Loki, not yet. This has to end, please."

Sighing, he nodded in agreement and then they set out into the forest.


After what felt like hours, they had located the supply trucks and destroyed all of the serums in them. For good measure, she rigged each truck with the explosives located in the crates and blew them all up so that there would be no trace for any others to find. Natalia packed a bag with a few and headed back to the compound in order to destroy the lab and all of the files it contained.

She left Loki at the last truck so that he could journey back to Asgard to get Ksenia and bring her back to Natalia.

Smiling to herself when she saw the last of the light from the portal disappear, she picked up her pace.

Reaching the compound once more, she skirted around the head she planted in front of the door and made her way through the hallways for the last time. She went to Ivan's office first and hurriedly went through some of the files on Red Room members. After this was all over, she planned on hunting them all down as well as anyone who had ties to the Red Room. When she was happy with all that she had found, she stuffed them into her bag and then wired some of the explosives together and then ran out before the blast went off. As soon as she rounded the corner, the deafening sound of the explosions went off and she felt the blast of heat rush past her.

Each office she passed, she threw a block of TNT into it and blew them to pieces. She saved the lab for last. Walking in, she saw Ivan's body, minus the head, still tied to the cage. She walked past it and to the filing cabinet. She ripped out each file, each paper she could find and dropped a block of TNT right on top. She then wired it to other objects around the room and saved the memory wiping machine for last. She dumped the rest of the explosives from her bag onto the chair and stuck the wire into one of them. She then lit the fuse and ran as fast as she could out of the compound.

As soon as she felt the cold air hit her face from the outside, the blast went off. Having nowhere to relieve the pressure from the explosives, it traveled through the halls and through the front door of the compound. The sound the building made sounded like a deep sigh, followed by the fire from the blast. The intense heat felt agonizing on Natalia's back but she didn't move out of the way.

It seared her flesh as she walked from the compound. With the adrenaline still in her, it started to heal. She felt like she deserved that last bit of pain that the Red Room gave her.

She shook the last remnants of the pain off and looked up to see Loki standing in the snow filled courtyard with a golden bundle in his arms.

Natalia felt her entire body glow and she took an eager step forward to see her daughter again.

Loki gathered the bundle closer and took a step back.

"Natalia wait..." he said hesitantly.

Natalia stopped dead in her tracks. "What is it Loki, let me see her."

"There is something you need to know first," he said as he cradled Ksenia in his arms.

"Loki, is she... is she okay?"

The look on his face told her everything she needed to know...

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