Chapter 22: A Portion Of The Truth

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Chapter 22: A Portion Of The Truth

Your POV

They told me to explain myself. It's not that easy really.

"I guess there's no getting out of this one now, huh?" I spoke out loud as a sigh escaped my lips.

They all looked at me intently, a hint of betrayal on their faces. Well, I guess, except for Near. You can't really read the guy. Woah, dudes! It's not like I'm with Kira or anything.

"I met L once. Believe me, it's not a lie." I started awkwardly. Near's attention shifted to me, and everyone too. I mean, who wouldn't? I just stated that I met L, the top most investigator in the whole gaddamn world! The guy who would not willingly show his face to anyone.

"That's so unbelievable." Rester suspiciously said. I frowned in annoyance.

"You're telling me to explain and when I was just starting to explain you're not even listening to me," I said in annoyance.

"Commander Rester, actually. Let's now hear what she wants to say. It is pointless to make up a lie now and if she would, Y/N could at least make it more believable." Near spoke up.

"But she knows your logic Near! Sometimes she even continues what you're saying." Rester insisted.

"So anyway, I met L once-" I started to speak. But Rester cut me off.

"That's just disrespectful!"

"Rester if you hate me so much. Then could just at least listen to what I'm fucking saying?!" I exclaimed, I did not actually meant to do that but I cannot take it back now could I? I sighed for the third time within the hour and calmed down.

"Alright. Y/N, please continue what you're saying." Near said, seemingly unaffected with what's happening.

"It'll be easier for me to start from the beginning, would that be alright?" I asked unsurely. Halle nodded and gave me a small smile.

"I had thought of ending my life one day -and don't even ask why because it would be wouldn't be important-, It was heavily raining. Just the perfect weather when a person commits suicide, I had climbed up a five-storey (or story if you have american english) building. It was the easiest one I could find. Somewhere where there's portions that I could use to climb up..." I trailed off when they gave me looks.

"Don't ask me, ask my dad! He thought me things too you know." I said, then continued.

"Anyway, I sat on the edge of the roof. Just crying, probably thinking about everything. I did not even notice that there was a certain someone looking out on the rain. 'For a child like you, you should not be wasting your time by trying to end your life.' was what he said to me." And with that, I narrated them the whole story of how L and I met. Every single detail, except of course his real name.

"That's just hard to believe," Gevanni said. Rester nodded in agreement while Halle spoke up.

"Guys, It's true. Remember, Near said that it is pointless for her to lie, and I could also see the flashes of emotions in her eyes. It's all sincere." She confirmed them.

"So that's why you're creepily looking at me the whole time!" I said. She laughed and nodded.

"Yami City, you say?" He asked me. I nodded in confirmation. "Did you arrive there already?"

"No, not really. I was still young, so I told myself to visit there sometime when I got a bit older." I said and shrugged.

"You should really go there soon. In any cases, I am taken aback at your meeting with L. So now, he basically told you that Light Yagami and Misa Amane are really the first and second Kira?" Near asked. I nodded. I told them that too, for the sake of the investigation.

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