Eight. Unchained Melody

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(A/N - Second and final update for today.  Two more chapters will be posted tomorrow!  Enjoy!!!  xx )


Harry’s POV

Ever since I first saw him walk across the stage in Dublin, I haven’t been able to get him off of my mind.  It felt like I needed to know him.  Like I need him apart of my life in anyway.  There was this inexplicable force pulling me towards him and I can’t pull away.  It’s nothing like love at first sight because really, that type of thing can’t logically exist.  You can be infatuated or have lust at first sight, but it wasn’t like I was lusting after him either.  Sure when he bit and then licked his lips I wanted to pin him to a wall and kiss up and down his neck, but upon first glance, the guy that stepped out from behind the curtain and began his walk across the stage was a guy that I needed to know.

And when I didn’t think it be possible to be more drawn to him, he opened his mouth and began to sing.  At that moment I knew there was no going back.  I was under whatever type of spell he cast out.

I knew I was not allowed to have any kind of contact with the contestants outside of the X-Factor parameters but he is just like a magnet. 

I was happy when he responded to my letter.  A tad upset when I found out he had a boyfriend, but it wasn’t like I could do anything about that.  But it seemed every time that we would text, he would be telling me that he just had a fight or a spat or an argument with his boyfriend.  How many times can two people fight before they realize that it just isn’t going to work out for them?  His boyfriend, Jamie, seemed somewhat possessive.  I came to this assumption because of what Niall would say in his texts.  He certainly never said an ill word towards him, but he would say things like ‘I can’t be late’ or ‘He wants it just me and him’ and so on.

Lou tells me I am getting too involved.  I tell Lou everything, always have.  We have been friends since Primary.  Besides my immediate family, Lou is the only other person who knows that I am gay.  He thinks this is just one of my ‘oh God he is so hot’ phases and I’ll be over him when the next hot guy comes along.  And I can’t really blame him for thinking that.  But it’s not just about Niall being hot, and he really is with those eyes and snapbacks and ruffled blonde and brown hair, but I really just want his friendship.  So that is what we have been doing this past month and a half; building a pretty good friendship.

I made my way onto the stage with the other judges to address the contestants and welcome them to boot camp.  Before Simon begins speaking, I scan the audience looking for my new friend.  My eyes meet his and we give each other knowing stares.  I wink and then turn my attention elsewhere.

I am finally able to speak to him when he is up on the stage getting his copies of the song list and schedules. 

“Lou.  There he is.” I whisper and secretively point to Niall as he is in line.

“Well, I’ll give ya one thing.  He is adorable.” Lou jokes and elbows me in the side.

I finally grab Niall’s attention by pulling off his hat.  We have a conversation that was all too quick for my liking but he is in a rush to meet his boyfriend.  Why is he so afraid of being late? 

After he leaves, I dramatically drop my head on Lou’s shoulder.  “Oh god did you see what he just did?  He just winked at me.  I sound like a pre-pubescent twelve year old with her first crush”  Lou pats my back sympathetically and chuckles.

“I’ll give you another thing, Haz.  I get why you are drawn to him.  I really just wanted to make him smile.  I mean what the hell is that?  I get it.  But it’s not like you are allowed to have a friendship with him outside of this, for now anyway.  You know the rules.”

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