Adrik, the leader then took a couple of syringes out of a box in the truck and studied it.

"Adrik, what is that?"

"Ivan has these on every truck that goes with Natalia on missions, it's shots of adrenaline. He said to never use it unless she was on deaths doorstep and Dr. Andrei was here. She's not dead yet, and Andrei isn't here."

"Let's just use it now! He won't know."

Adrik shot him a death glare. The instructions were clear. If you would like to betray Ivan, go right ahead." He offered the syringe to Rafe but he didn't take it.

"Mikhail, get us back, she's almost gone."

They rode back in silence and Rafe couldn't stop looking at the dying girl. He could almost bet that no one had looked at The Black Widow for this long without getting killed. She was beautiful and looked like a porcelain doll who would break at the slightest touch. He felt bad for her having the baby taken away, but it was worth it. He would get played handsomely for Natalia's return.

The truck started to veer off of the icy road when they were not far from the compound. It slid into a snow bank and came to a rest. The two men in the back of the truck had no clue what was going on. They hopped out of the back of the truck and went to the front to investigate.

What they found was Mikhail, with a dagger through his temple. They ran back to the back of the truck and climbed in to protect Natalia from whoever got their teammate. As soon as they entered though, they saw a raven haired man plunge the syringe full of adrenaline straight into Natalia's heart.


Loki plunged the needle straight into her chest and waited. The two remaining guards were taken out by a flash if green from Loki. He couldn't be bothered to take his eyes off of Natalia's face as he killed the guards. He had never taken a human life before but he couldn't think about that now.

After untying her and a minute of waiting, nothing happened. Natalia was still near death and he had to get her out of here. The front of the truck was starting to smoke and it was only a matter of time before it caught fire and alerted more guards from the compound.

Thinking of no other option, he scooped the girl up into his arms and carried her gently out of the back. He stepped over the bodies of Rafe and Adrik, and headed towards the compound. He would have to find a way to sneak in, there was no way Natalia would survive out here. He only hoped he made it there before anyone found them and took her away from him.

Relief flooded the god's body when he felt Natalia stir in his arms. Loki immediately ducked under a low hanging tree and sat with her laying in his lap with her head against his chest. With his every heartbeat, he hoped she would hear it and come back to him. He had fallen for this human girl and he would not let her be taken away from him.

He cupped her face with his hand and tried to reach her mind. He felt her there, struggling to wake up. He reached for the light he felt but it was just out of grasp.

"Come on Natalia. I can't reach any further, and you can't stay in there, alright? You need to come back. Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same, I can feel it."

The red head stirred some more, color rushing back into her face. Her eyes eventually opened and when she realized who she was with, she smiled.

"Loki..." her face then twisted into pain. "It hurts," she whispered.

"That's the thing about pain Natalia, it demands to be felt. Now feel it and get up, we have to go. I can't lose you to them again."

He was the rock in her chaos that the rest of the world splashed off. He had helped her become the person she is today. Through their meetings in the cave, they both found themselves in each other.

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