Chapter 7- Bus, but... (Part 2)

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Valeria's POV
Ol and I have been in silence since the boys left, it's been about 10, that's a record we've been quite around each other, not even longer than when we are mad at each other... Suddenly my phone rang, showing 'Oli White' was ringing me. I was confused, I turned to look at Olivia, and she had the same expression as me.

Olivia: come on pick it up. Maybe he wants to meet up with you...*wink*
Oli: Val?
Me: yeah, it's me. What's wrong, something with Conor? Or you?
Oli: dunno, Jack told me to call one of you, to come here.
Me: to whose?
Oli: Jack and Conor's, I'll meet you in the bus station from earlier. See ya.
Me: okay, bye.
Olivia: so he didn't call you to meet up with him. What did he want?
Me: not sure, he said he'll meet us here. Then we'll go to Conor's..... And Jack's...
Olivia: number one, might it have something to do with Anna? Number two, Val, you're gonna meet Jack freaking Maynard!!!! Your YouTube crush since you discovered he had a YouTube channel... I don't see anything wrong to be honest...
Me: I know, but I'm afraid I'm going to stutter when I see him. And we don't even know Anna, what would they want us to help with? Plus wasn't she in Brighton?
Olivia: don't know, did he say?
Me: don't think so.
Olivia: did he say where are we meeting?
Me: yeah, here in the bus station. We don't have to go anywhere. He'll be here in any moment.
Oli: how about now? Let's go.
Me: you sacred me Oli!!!! What's wrong?
Oli: Anna is here, it looks urgent. Jack wanted to come with me, but Conor and Anna didn't let him come.
Olivia: is she alright?
Oli: don't know, none of them have talked to me, except Jack to tell me to call you. I heard a lot of crying though.
Me: from the boys?
Oli: from Anna, she is really bad. All I know is that she is a very brave girl, and she wouldn't cry for nothing. We're here. Let me ring. I have no keys, great of me.*rings*
Jack: Oli?
Oli: yeah, I've got Valeria and Olivia with me. Open.
Jack: done.
Oli: we're in, come on girls. And Val, don't be a fangirl with Jack.
Me: believe me, that Jack is my favourite Maynard doesn't mean that I like his channel better... I prefer music, believe it or not.
Oli: believe me, I do. We're here. Jack open up!!!!!!
Jack: *opens the door* come in- hello, Val and Olivia right?
Me: y- yeah. Where's um.. Anna?
Jack: ju- just follow me. She's in this room. Come in.
Conor: thanks for coming girls.

Jack's POV

Conor: okay. So Anna, this is Valeria and Olivia. Valeria and Olivia, this is my sister Anna. Can we go outside? I'll explain everything. Jack you stay here with Anna.

Wow. Valeria. Nice name, nice girl.

Anna: hey Jack, could you look out the window?
Jack: yeah, he's still there. Do you want me to tell him to go?
Anna: don't please, you'll just make it worse. Jack...
Jack: yeah? Do you want something?
Anna: a cuddle? I'm cold.
Jack: already going. Do you want a blanket too?
Anna: cuddle.

Wow, you can tell Anna's affected about something when she just says a word in response.

Conor: okay. Anna, these girls have come to help us with you. They probably are a lot better than us. And they will understand you better too.
Valeria: okay, start by telling us who's John.
Anna: he is-was one of my best friends, and we used to hang out with each other quite often.
Olivia: good start that you corrected yourself and said was. What were you going to do today?
Anna: we were supposed to meet up with some friends he has here in London, I happened to know a few.
Valeria: did you see any friends of his though?
Anna: when you came in, did you see a boy in the main entrance?
Olivia: yeah, Conor said that is the, is he right?
Anna: yep, he is the boy. He was the only "friend" of his I saw. More than I'd like to.
Valeria: okay, when he saw us walking in with Oli he looked at us. It was quite freaky. Have you got John's phone?
Anna: I think, yeah. Why...?
Valeria: you know how girls get revenge of boys that make us go trough a rough time . Anyway, down to revenge guys?
Conor: could you explain the term "girl revenge"?
Valeria, Oliva and Anna: are you being serious?
Me: yeah, come on Conor! You've been revenged quite a few times...
Conor: so have you you dickhead!
Valeria: *whispering to Oliva and Anna* shall we call Oli too?
Me: shut up you twat!
Valeria: you both should shut up and call Oli. Go on.
Me: alright, alright. Olii!!!!!! Come, we are going to have a girl revenge!
Oli: girl revenge? I wanna know how they do this, I'm down.
Valeria: let's get started, then!

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