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Hi, my name is Valeria, I am 16 years old and I am form Valencia, Spain. And I also have got a YouTube channel and a blog (yes I got the inspiration form Zoe Sugg, any problem girl?). I love this place, but my parents have told me we might need to move out. They work as.... Lets just say they work as the boss of the foreign department in some weird bussiness.

Apparently we will be moving out, but I don't really mind as we are going to move out to London, LITERALLY THE BEST PLACE A GIRL LIKE ME COULD GO TO. Altough my little sis, Julia, doesn't want to move out. But she's still young, and she can make a lot of friends there. By the way I'm not really worried about the friend stuff, 'cause I have friends there so, that is the least thing for me; specially when the best BFF in the world (my BFF, Olivia), moved out last year for same reasons. But, what I was really going to miss, was the best festivity (at least to me) in the whole world: fallas. Dressing, getting my hair... well, i won't actually miss that part (it hurts so much). All the friends I have done, all the good memories... Although my parents promised me to come back in March, just for it, I am still going to miss them a lot.

What I am really nervous about is that we will be moving to the city where one of the most amazing youtubers and "YouTube" singer lives, Conor Maynard. My idol. And a Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee and, basically, just the funniest boys in the world. But to be honest I wasn't that exited for them, I was most excited about Jack, aka Conor's brother. He is literrally perfect! Eyes, smile, hair..... Anyways (that was a bit embarrassing, you just saw me daydreaming...), I am so freaking exited.

Plus, my mother's side of my family is actually Irish. And I love it, cause when I speak English I actually have a bit of that Irish accent, which drives my colleges insane because they can't understand me!!

For those who don't know the festivity here is a photo of a girl dressed in a full "dress".

AUTHOR'S NOTE:For those who don't know the festivity here is a photo of a girl dressed in a full "dress"

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