Chapter 25- Big Announcement

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OK, this is big. Second day at the event. Full day of stuff going on...

Me: hey guys! So, today... Pretty big day. 2 meet and greets and 1 Q&A. Jack is going to come with me and probably going to be there the whole time. Big announcement in the Q&A, you'll find out later. Very exciting, not level of beauty range or makeup stuff. Jack is tired of me and the other person who has been working with me in this.
Jack: yeah, they are both annoying by themselves, let alone both together and with something going on...
Me: yeah, but this thing is actually one of the least annoying things for Jack... It realexs him. I have to do it at night. He lost the other person to do it. He spends a lot more time with me than with him.
Jack: big clue right there... It's a him you know now... Just let them know. The minute of the announcement will be somewhere around the screen right now.
Me: no, it won't. Anyway, let's just get ready for everything. I am all done. Just need to finish my makeup, Jack still has to finish himself...
Jack: I'm just in bed naked guys. Don't you dare turn that camera around....
Me: they've already seen you in Caspar's Brain Freeze video...
Jack: that was different, I actually had swim shorts on.
Me: you're wearing your boxers.... Doesn't make that much of a difference.
Jack: could you just stop Vlogging, I'm half naked and I have a zombie face right now...
Me: your voice sounds really hot. Not gonna lie.
Jack: thanks babe.
Me: alright, no more vlogging. Till the meet and greet.
Jack: better. More time for us, and more sleep.
Me: sleep?!?! The Meet and Greet starts in half and hour. Get up, and get ready!
Jack: OK, OK... What do you prefer? Black on black or black on white?
Me: can I style you today?
Jack: if I get to style you...
Me: OMG, thank God I brought the prettiest clothes I have. And by the way this just gave me an idea for a collab....
Jack: oh, God. I can already imagine... Bloody dress up challenge...
Me: you in fact know me well.
Jack: I'm your boyfriend at the end of the day.... And I know you pretty well.
Me: the Boyfriend Tag didn't show so.... Jack: oh, piss off. You know I am the best boyfriend you've ever had...
Me: and the only. *I give him a little cheecky peck on the lips* And I love every second that I spend with you...
Jack: oh, not as much as I do...*with a weird joking voice*
Me: shut up, and choose my clothes. I'll choose yours. Go on. I already have an idea of what I'm going to choose.
Me: do you like it? I love how it looks all together. And I actually like how you've made my outfit this look. Thanks.
Jack: yeah, I actually do like. And I know I've made a great job. I mean... I had a great canvas to work for... Or on.
Me: can't really say the same thing... I had to work on an already pice of art... That's so not like us... I just thought it would look good and it did. But thanks for saying that. *another peck on the lips* It was lovely.
Jack: I didn't really think why I said it... But, yeah. You're welcome.
Me: alright, let's go. If not we'll arrive late.
Jack: OK. Who is Olivia taking? I think she was bringing Conor, he told me. But he said she wasn't sure.
Me: she told me she was going to bring Caspar. But I need Conor. If she brings Caspar I'll have to take Conor.
Jack: ow, I wanted to go.
Me: you can come tomorrow. Plus I said yesterday I was going to bring ONE of the Maynards... Didn't say which one.
Jack: OK, I'll stay here or go with Mikey somewhere...
Me: don't pull that face...
Jack: I just wish I could go with you. *he comes and hugs me from the back*
Me: you can come next day.
Jack: OK... Fine. *I lean in to give him a kiss and someone knocks on the door* Ugh... Bloody hell, why at this moment. I'll go and see who it is.
Me: OK.
Jack: oh no.... You bellend. What are you doing here?
Mikey: Olivia sent me, Conor and her are in the lobby already... They're waiting for you.
Me: I thought.... Nothing, let's go. Is she finally bringing Conor?
Mikey: yeah. Wasn't she supposed to today?
Me: yeah, but she told me she might bring Caspar instead of him. I told her I needed him for the announcement. I guess she listened to me.
Jack: anyway, let's just go.
Me: wait, let ms take the eating you bought me the other day.... I really like them.
Mikey: my boy should get boyfriend points for that.... Just saying.....
Jack: yeah...
Me: alright, I'll give you a couple. But I won the How Well Do We Know Each Other.... So you still have a lot to catch up on mate...
Jack: oh my God. You still keep reminding me... You're so annoying...
Me: I won't stop till we are tied with the points... You made this up... Don't blame me...
Jack: I know. Stupid idea...
Mikey: trouble in paradise?
Jack: oh, piss off Mikey. There are no problems...
Conor: OK guys. I think we need to loosen up a bit. Val, you're really nervous.
Me: how aren't you. We are about to announce we are releasing a cover together... How do you want me to be?
Conor: just.... Chill it'll be fine. We will say it, they will probably ask us some questions about it and that it about our cover...
Jack: you've both worked really hard on it. I'm sure, it sounds incredible...
Conor: yeah, he has already listened to it. And you've listened to it so many times... It's perfect. If can get any better it might be a musical miracle. Your voice is amazing. Don't think too much about it...
Me: OK, let's just get out there and say it. We will present you you will come in and we will say it. Ready Ol?
Olivia: yeah, let's go. Come one, let's have a huge group hug. *we all have a massive hug and we kiss our amazing boyfriends*
Conor: come on, get out there and have some fun whilst we aren't out there yet.
Me: OK, let's wing it!!!!!!
Me: well guys, I guess you are all wondering who we've brought with is today...
Olivia: well, it's easy. Yesterday she said she was going to brig one of the Maynards...
Me: yeah, I know you know who has come with me... Let's give it up for Jack!!!!
Jack: woooooo! Here I am. Sorry if I look a bit stupid with this outfit.... Val put it together. In revenge I made hers. But it turned out alright...
Me: and I love how you went a bit adventurous with the heels. But I really like it.
Olivia: anyways, you may be thinking now who came with me... Well, it's no other than the other Maynard. Conor...
Conor: what an incredible introduction. Thanks Ol. Appreciate it...
Me: anyways.... You both think you are going to get away by just answering a few questions from the audience.... But you're not. We are also going to be playing some fun games...
Jack: oh, do one!
Me: oh believe me I've done many...
Conor: *with sarcastic voice* I can't wait to hear which games we're going to play....
Olivia: you won't have to wait longer. First we are going to play a little never have I ever. We have some signs with 'I have' and 'never'. Earlier we tweeted asking all of you guys to send us some 'never have I ever' questions and the first one I picked was: "never have I ever peed in public"
Me: *we all say we have* I mean.... Its pretty obvious.
Jack: what? When? We are guys and I have a tiny bladder.... It's obvious that Conor and I have. Pkus we have it easy. Olivia: we just have to experiment a little and make an effort. As always...
Me: yeah. And we were little, so we were light enough to be picked up so that we do it easier...
Conor: that kind of makes more sense, but still you have to, like, call NASA or something to create a machine so that it can be made quicker.
Me: *laughing, almost cry laughing* what? It's easier than it seems. Trust me.
Olivia: oh gosh... I can't believe this guy is my friend. We have something to do with each other...
Conor: I mean... At least I'm funny right?
Me: debatable.... Anyways, next is: " never have I ever given someone a fake phone number"
Jack: you've set this up, didn't you? I literally said this on my last video...
Me: I haven't, why would you do that
If you don't like someone, tell them to fuck off.
Olivia: me neither. Why would you. Is the same as saying: "hey I don't like you. Stop trying to stalk me."
Conor: um.... Does confusing a number count?
Olivia: I guess...
Conor: I have then... I really liked that girl you know...
Olivia: whatever...
Conor: I know you like me Ol.... Don't get jealous...
Olivia: I know you like me too, so.....
Jack: savage that is....
Me: thing are getting heated up up here....
Olivia: shut up, next question says: "never have I ever used a toothbrush that wasn't mine and didn't tell I did".
Jack: all the time.
Me: yeah, always. I'm annoying, OK guys?
Olivia: Conor and I never have... Might as well tell from who was the toothbrush, right?
Conor: yeah, come on.
Jack and I: yours.
Jack: I'm not impressed. I used it yesterday actually. I couldn't find mine.
Me: myself, not in this trip. But when I once went to your house and I forgot mine. I just stole your. I asked Josh if it was his or yours.
Jack: at least you double checked. Wouldn't like using Josh's one.
Me: that's why I did. Anyways, next up is: "never have I ever have I been in the hospital for a period of time". I have twice.
Jack: don't think I have.
Conor: me neither...
Olivia: same. What happened to you Val?
Me: well, once I had a pneumonia and the second time I had an infection.
Jack: You told me about the pneumonia but not the infection.
Me: don't expect me to tell you. Anyway, I think we've had Anouilh of 'Nevr Have I Ever', how about we answer some questions... Who knows, an announcement might be revealed too.....
Olivia: I like that announcement. First question is: "what was echo there first impression.... Physically" OMG...
Jack: mine towards Val was "damn, she cute" and for Olivia it was..... I think the best way is "she cute too, but damn Valeria"
Olivia: you're just saying that you didn't really noticed me at first.... Thanks Jack.
Jack: how about you, Ol?
Olivia: Jack: "that hair though...." and Conor was: "that cute freckle/mole is cuter in person...."
Me: mine for Jack should be: "damn, those eyes. He cute af...."
Jack: thanks babe.
Me: welcome, and Conor should be: "he's smaller than I thought..." Have in mind we met Oli and Conor first. Your turn Conor... Risk it.
Conor: I don't want to sound stupid or anything but mine from Valeria was "her and Jack are going to end up together.... For sure" and I was right. They are now the second best couple I know. And Olivia's was: "pretty brown eyes". I guess I didn't really think of anyone for her. And thank God.
Me: next question is: are any of you working on secret protects?
Conor: well, I guess we have to say it Val.
Me: yeah, here it goes. Conor and I are releasing a cover together!!!!!!
Conor: it wouldn't be very secret for me, but for Val... It's her first contact with actual serious singing.
Me: yeah, and I guess we can tell them the song?
Conor: if you want to...
Me: yeah, it's Perfect Strangers by Jonas Blue.
Conor: yeah, and we've worked so hard on it. I wanted to be a good friend and also teach her a bit of mixing and stuff. You'll see it tomorrow at 7:00pm. Be there. It's really cool.
Never: yeah, and support us and let us know if you'd like to be another one. Because I sure enjoyed myself recording this one...

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