Chapter 11- Slumber Party

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Valeria's POV
That was such a fun night. I loved meeting all of them; Oli, Jack, Conor, Anna. I mean, and I got to do this with my all time best friend.

Anna: you know what guys?
Olivia: no, tell us.
Anna: well, a part that I love this PJ, I love that John made that promise to his friend.
Me: why? You went through a bad time today.
Anna: but, I it wasn't for that I wouldn't be here. I mean, I would probably have known you sooner or later, because of Conor; bit I'm glad I got to do it today.
Me: aw, that's so sweet Anna. I'm also glad I got to meet you today.
Mum: Val, may I come in?
Me: yeah, um, mum, this is Anna. She's Jack and Conor's sister. Can she stay to sleep, she's gone through a bad day today, and she came to London without changing clothes or anything. She couldn't stay at Jack, Conor and Josh's because they are having Oli tonight.
Mum: number one: of course she can stay the night. And number two, do you know Jack, Conor, Oli and Josh?
Me: not Josh, he wasn't at Conor's when we went. But the rest of them, yes. I do know them. We will be going to the meet and greet together tomorrow.
Mum: wow, but when are you meeting?
Me: well, we said at about 5:00-5:30 they'll come and pick us up...
Mum: do they know where we live?
Me: maybe... Yeah... They brought us here.
Mum: I can tell, smells of AXE in this room. By the way, nice choice. Smells attractive.
Olivia: and look too.
Anna: you do realise that you're talking about my siblings right?
Me: yeah, but come on. You can't deny that your brothers are good looking. You are pretty too. Genes. You had good one, you were lucky. Look at me, my sister got all the pretty genes.
Mum: honey, don't let yourself down. You've got amazing eyes, Julia has plain brown eyes. You got MY eyes.
Me: nope, I got aunt Liz's eyes. She has them the same way, very light shade of green.
Mum: you got my side of the family, I meant.
Me: I know. So, you're not mad that I brought guys home?
Mum: it's definitely wired, but it's time you did... You just bright Oscar, who ended up seeing with Olivia.
Olivia: yeah, you were very pissed off.
Me: okay mum, you can go now. We want to talk, about girly stuff, teenage girl stuff.
Mum: okay, okay. Fine, I'll go from where I'm not wanted. Night girls.
Me, Anna and Olivia: night!
Anna: okay, so... What's on with you and Jack? He hasn't been this close to a girl in this short period of time ever.
Olivia: I knew I wasn't having visions. Jack doesn't look like one of those guys, the one night guys.
Me: well, I gues we've got along pretty well with each other. That's it. He likes another girl, he was telling me earlier.
Anna: what did he tell you?
Me: he met her not too long ago, not sure if he really liked her or not, and had all the signs. Nothing else.
Anna: do you like him?
Me: yeah, I mean, he's very cute and he behaved so good with me. And he is just a very very good guy.
Olivia: girl, I am not Doctor Love, but there is something I know or fell like, that is that he has a thing for you... That you're that girl. The one he's been talking to you about.
Anna: yeah, he was probably waiting for you to notice that was you, he does that a lot. He told me most of his tricks for flirting and stuff when I was a bit younger. That is his most used. It gets us jealous and gets the girls where he wants to.
Me: so he's just playing with me?
Anna: might sound like it, but I swear he isn't, I asked him the same question. By the way you've said it.... You like him, right?
Me: I guess. I told you before, I'm not sure.
Anna: just like him with that "other girl"...
Me: he doesn't like me. You can tell, I think. And he's much older than me...
Anna: how old are you?
Me: 16, March the sixth.
Olivia: remember when you had that dream that you met Caspar? If I'm not mistaken, he isn't about the same age. You are just 5 years apart, Jack's from November, so that's kind of as he was born the next year, you being born in March. You get what I'm saying?
Anna: nope, wait, do you mean that by him being a November baby, and you being a March baby, you can kind of take one year from the year gap?
Me: yeah, cause when he gets to 22, less than four months later, I'll be 17.
Anna: i guess it makes sense.
Olivia: hey Val, we haven't finished our vlog. Shall we do it now? We will forget it if we don't...
Me: yeah, sure.
Me: hey guys, so we are now in my bedroom, with Anna and we thought we should end the vlog now, otherwise we will forget, so... Gooodd niiiiggghhhttt!
Olivia and Anna: niiighhhht!!!!!!!!
Olivia: don't forget to like and subscribe, as always. Bye!!!
Anna: wow, you both have so many enthusiasm. You can tell you enjoy this, I'm gonna subscribe to you guys. I don't know why I haven't already, Jack showed me your channel once Val.
Me: what? Why?
Anna: well, there is this one video you filmed with Olivia, the 'best friend 1 2 3' tag, he showed it to me. It was pretty funny and I watched a lot of your videos after that, but I never subscribed. Don't know why.
Olivia: well, you should subscribe to both of us. We're gonna collab quite soon, maybe with three pretty well known siblings. The usual...
Anna: the usual? So you normally collab with two British guys and their sister? Wow, you must be lucky, surely she's very pretty.
Me: mom, the normal type of pretty. Just kidding, she's beautiful. Just as you.
Anna: going back to what we were talking about, Jack said he'd call you later. Why hasn't he called yet?
Me: don't understimate him, he's ringing now. Always at the right time. Hey Jack, what's up?
Jack: nothing, I just wanted to say thanks with all the help you gave us with Anna. Olivia helped too, but it was really nice to meet you, I mean both of you. What are you all up to?
Me: nothing, we're just talking, they were just saying- doesn't mind.
Jack: no, what is it? Is there something wrong?
Me: no, really it's nothing.
Anna: that's lying, Jack just don't hide. Come out of your shell.
Jack: w-what does she mean? I have no idea what she's talking about. Ignore her. She's talking crap.
Me: why you got so nervous all of the sudden? Do you mind if I out loud speaker? My arm kind of hurts already.
Jack: yeah sure. It's that I've just been talking to the girl, and I talked about her with Conor too, he knows her, and he told me it's too soon to feel something this strong. But I really want to be with her, she's nice and cool. She's younger but age doesn't mind.
Anna *mouthing*: it's you, I told you.
Me: well, talk with her, and ask her if she feels the same way.
Jack: she won't, I know it. I met her literally 3 days ago. I know that for girls it's usually easier to fall for someone, but she doesn't show any signs.
Olivia: um, well then send her like mixed signals. We like that. Although don't do it too much, it can get annoying and frustrating.
Jack: got it.
Conor: mixed signals? I thought every girl hates it. I don't know why YOU give us mixed signals. Saying things we do that you don't like, but deep down you kind of love them.
Anna: we are complicated Conor. Didn't you know that?
Jack: for sure. But sometimes, it's cool. That makes you play hard to get, and that's kind of hot.
Olivia: well, you know I actually hate playing hard to get? I think if you like that guy, it shouldn't be a problem to get in a relationship with him.
Me: that's why I really play hard to get, if I do that I'm not sure if the guy really likes me. If I play hard to get and he keeps insisting I know he does like me. Simple as a pringle.
Anna: good technique. I like that. As I haven't really had a true relationship, I don't know what I do.
Me: neither have I, but in Spain boys take it way too quickly. After a week they'd be dating the girl they've been liking for 1 day... N-not that's there's something wrong with that, I'd like things to be more relaxed and chill, so that I'm sure I really want to be with this guy.
Jack *whispering to Conor*: I'll have to wait.

What does he mean by 'I'll have to wait'? Does he actually like me? We're Anna and Olivia right? They are looking at me with a 'I told you' face. And they're right they told me, I just didn't want to believe not to get my hopes up. Imagine if I beloved him and the one day he comes up to me and presents me 'the girl' he had a crush on when we met. That would break my heart.

Oli: hey girls, I was just getting changed and I wasn't told these boys were going to ring you. How was the filming? They told me you filmed a video all 5 of you.
Me: yeah, for my channel. I'm now editing it, I have to do so much close ups. Jack and Comor make so many weird faces when they find something awkward or when they go into their own world. It's so funny.
Olivia: that's why you were laughing. By the way guys, Val's mum thinks you make good choices for deodorant.
Jack: what do you mean?
Me: yeah, apparently you left your smell in my room. I was hoping that it wouldn't stay, but it did. Nothing that I can't complain. AXE was the one all my schoolmates would use, and OMG when you walked by the boys changing room, was HEAVEN! Literally heaven.
Olivia: OMG, yes! I can tell you though that in here they don't use AXE, they use something a bit weird, I still have to learn the name. I think Alex uses it. Smells good though, it's a weird, yet nice smell.
Anna: who's Alex?
Me: no one special, her brother.
Oli: I love how you say 'no one special' referring to your best friend's brother.
Me: he knows I love him, he's really nice.
Olivia: well, he sometimes isn't sure.... Deep down he knows.
Jack: what are you girls doing? We are so bored, we don't know what to do.
Me: we weren't doing anything special. Just talking about today.
Jack: today has been quite cool. Except for Anna, that was a twist.
Anna: we were just talking about that, I was saying that if the creepy guy hadn't followed me, I wouldn't have met Val neither Ol. I would end up meeting them by you guys, but I'm glad I've met them today, they've helped me so much.
Me: ow, Anna! Why are you the best Maynard?
Jack: best Maynard? Alright, alright. I guess Conor and I just aren't important now.
Oli: come on Jack, don't get jealous.
Olivia: yeah, don't get jealous. That's pointless.
Me *yawning*: oh god, I'm so tired! For me has been such a long day. Haven't got better from yesterday the flight.
Conor: oh, you've just moved in? How did you manage to make to the concert?
Me: I don't really know, pure luck. Yesterday I woke up at like 5 am, to go to Madrid, took the plane 2 and a half hours, and half an hour to my house. Olivia was there waiting for me, had the biggest slumber party, choosing what to wear today. We went to bed a 5am.
Jack: how are you both still alive? Better question, how are you going to survive tomorrow?
Oli: by the way, I've told Joe we were going to take you with us, and the want to have lunch all together. With Caspar obviously.
Olivia: Caspar? OMG, I better look nice tomorrow...
Anna: YouTube crush alert!
Olivia: no, it's just that I think he's cute and funny.
Me: lies, everything lies.

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