Chapter 27- Family Day

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Jack: good morning sleepy head...
Me: what time is it?
Jack: it's already ten past twelve.
Me: why didn't you wake me up sooner? We're gonna be late.
Jack: I did but you wanted 5 more minutes, and five more, and five more-
Me: OK, I get it. I'll have a shower and put my hair on braids. Not waves for you today babe.
Jack: what a pity. You'll smell of gingerbread, which is better.
Me: how did you know I was going to use Zoë's Christmas range?
Jack: you use her other ones on a daily basis, why wouldn't you already use this one when she gave you some yesterday.
Me: yeah, you're right. But it smells great, so I don't think there's going to be anything that bad.
Jack: yeah, that's what I said... Now hurry up. I wanna see your cousin, the little Luke.
Me: little? He's a year older than me...
Jack: younger than me anyways....
Me: I'm going to take a shower, *peck on the lips* see ya when I come out.
Jack: k. Joe texted me earlier asking if I could go and hang out with him before. Text me when you're done taking a shower.
Me: see you then.
Jack: great, love you.
Me: love you too.

Jack's POV

Joe: hey man.
Me: hey. What's wrong?
Joe: man, I'm so not ready for this...
Me: mate, I thought that too. But their family is so friendly and kind. They're awesome.
Joe: I know, but what if they don't like me?
Me: they liked me, and I'm not really the guy you think of as the best partner for your niece...
Joe: but when you're around the family of the person you love you're truly the best guy for your niece.
Me: believe me, I didn't this time. I just felt so welcome that I just was who I am. I went straight to the point. Do you know what I mean?
Joe: yeah, do you think they'll like me?
Me: I'm sure they'll like you. Abi looks so happy since you both started officially dating. She for sure has talked about you at home. And Val for sure has shown a video of yours at home before we all met.
Joe: I know. It's just weird, I don't know.
Me: did I help you?
Joe: kinda.
Me: did I make you feel better?
Joe: kinda.
Me: oh, do one Joe.
Joe: alright, yes you did help me. But my nervousness is still there. Tell me a bit more about the Irish family, I don't want to go there and look like I don't know anything.
Me: Abi hasn't talked you about them?
Joe: just Luke.
Me: the trouble maker. He's a legend.
Joe: trouble maker?
Me: yeah, he has slight anger issues.
Joe: oh yeah, she told me about that. But he has been taking pills and he's much calmer now.
Me: I guess she hasn't told you about the accident...
Joe: nope, what happened?
Me: long story short, he got into a car accident when he was 9 years old and he was a step away from death. Ther doctors didn't think he was going to live longer than 3 or 4 days. But the weeks went on and on, and with time he got better and better.
Joe: he is truly a legend.
Me: yeah, he broke his leg and it was a tough time recovering. But he's OK now. But the car accident made him stronger. Like the song.
Joe: yeah, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Me: and now he is so well-built, that added to his dirty blonde hair and green eyes, just like Val's. The girls in his school are crazy to date him.
Joe: bet you he has a girlfriend.
Me: he actually does. She's coming today too. He told me he's a year younger and that she has won prom queen. Apparently only the hottest get to win prom queen in his school.
Joe: wow, two hotties together... That's trouble.
Me: yeah. Told you he's a legend.
Joe: when's Val coming?
Me: well, make up and those braids are going to take a bit longer. I don't know. She said she'd text me when she was done. *bling* And there she is. She's coming.
Joe: great. Now I'm excited to go there, meet the legend Luke. And the family, obviously.
Me: just admit it, mostly Luke. It's weird that Abi hasn't introduced him to you, or you to him.
Valeria: *knock knock* hey guys, shall we get going now? The Uber is outside.
Joe: yeah, sure.
Valeria: nice outfit Joe, by the way.
Joe: tried to look my best but not too formal.
Valeria: now, my family might seem intimidating, but I promise that they really aren't. Just, let it go.
Joe: you're so funny...
Valeria: sorry.
Joe: thanks. Jack has told me about Luke. You got really lucky then.
Valeria: I know, I was just nine when this happened.
Joe: I thought he was a year older than you.
Valeria: just 4 months. But I guess as he was born the 22nd of November 1999, and I being born the 6th of Mach 2000... People like to say we're a year older.
Me: wait, 22nd of November?
Valeria: yeah, why?
Me: um, because mine is the 23rd and Conor's the 21st, of November too.
Valeria: oh yeah, didn't think of that. That's funny... I guess we can throw a massive birthday party for all three of you.
Me: Conor does know Luke, I don't see why not... We can go clu- crap, you can't.
Valeria: I knew you were going to say go clubbing, we won't be able to get in. Right now we are 16, he'll turn 17 on November and I'll turn 17 on March. There would be no point on going clubbing.
Joe: yeah, we should wait for that part. We don't want to get in trouble.
Me: plus, Valeria doesn't really like alcoholic drinks.
Valeria: I just find them gross and kind of smelly to be honest...
Joe: yeah, but you get used to it. I think...
Valeria: I guess, but I don't like the taste either. Beer, pretty much everyone loves it, but my mum gave me a little to try and I almost threw up.
Me: anyways, are we having lunch in the family house or are we going out for lunch?
Valeria: I think we're going out, to Nando's probably.
Joe: but that's going to be really expensive. Isn't it? For 11 people...
Valeria: I know, but my aunt insisted. She's really stubborn.
Me: 11?!?! Who's going?
Valeria: well; my parents, my aunt and uncle, the cousins, Julia, Both of you and Allison.
Joe: is Allsion Luke's girlfriend?
Valeria: yeah, he sent me a photo of hers, and she's really pretty and nice.
Joe: as much as you and Jack at the beginning?
Me: what?! You couldn't tell...
Valeria: let's just say it, you could tell. From miles away.
Me: must have been that you like me, but not that I like you...
Joe: you could tell from both sides. Don't hide it.
Me: how could to tell from my side?
Valeria: now that I think of it, because you were basically asking me how to ask me out everyday, because we would never go away from each other...
Me: I get it now.
Joe: Abi says they're already at Nando's. The closest to their house, you know where it is.
Valeria: yeah, it's this one. Their house is at the end of the street. Look! There they are.

Abigail's POV

Me: mum, there here.
Abi's mum: is that your boyfriend?
Me: yes mum. That's Joe. Valeria and Jack are there too...
Abi's mum: I know, but I already know him. He's a great guy.
Valeria: hey auntie! How are you?
Abi's mum: I'm great, and I see you're too.
Valeria: I guess so. *she says looking at Jack behind her, and he puts his and on her shoulder*
Me: mum, this is Joe. Joe this is my mum, Claire.
Joe: nice to meet you Claire.
Claire: oh, don't be so formal. You're part of the Blair family now.
Joe: thanks.
Me: and Joe, this is my dad, Sean.
Sean: you better not hurt my little girl.
Joe: I swear I won't.
Sean: it was just a joke. Come here son.
Joe: ow. *my dad gave Joe a man hug*
Me: now it's Luke's turn. Luke! Come here with Allison and introduce her to all of us.
Luke: going!
Jack: God. He's bigger than last time I saw him.
Me: he has added half an hour to his gym routine.
Luke: hey Val! Hey Jack!
Me: I guess I should start first. Luke, this is Joe. And Allison, this are Joe, my boyfriend; Valeria and Jack; they are also in a relationship.
Allison: yeah, I know.
Valeria: what do you mean you know?
Allison: yeah, I watch all of your videos.
Luke: you didn't know any of them were YouTubers when I told you their names? And their love status?
Allison: I just thought it was a coincidence.
Jack: well, another viewer we've met.
Allison: this is so cool.
Valeria: yeah. We were going to hang out with everyone when all of this ended. You both can come if you want.
Allison: can we? *she asked looking up at Luke, he's a bit taller than her*
Luke: if no one else minds... Why not?
Jack: I'll ask Conor.
Allison: are Olivia and him dating?
Valeria: keep it a secret.
Jack: how did you know? Abi?
Me: she didn't even knew it was this Valeria, Joe and Jack. How would it be me?
Allison: Snapchat and vlogs. Pretty easy.
Julia: Jack, where's Conor?
Jack: I can see that you didn't miss me missy...
Julia: I did, but I want to ask him if he'd do a cover with me too.
Jack: he sure will.
Allison: oh yeah, your cover was amazing.
Valeria: thanks. I loved recording it and the video itself turned out really cool.
Allison: yeah.
Valeria: sorry, I'll say hi to my parents and I'll be back. Jack, let's go and say hi to my parents.
Jack: oh, are they here now?
Valeria: yeah, Julia came with them.
Jack: oh, let's say hi then. We'll be back guys.
Joe: ok. Where are we going to sit?
Me: oh, you next to me. Val and Jack next to you.
Joe: sounds good to me.
Me: let's go then. You both go to your seats.
Luke: ok.

Valeria's POV

Me: hey mum.
My mum: oh hey guys. How was the flight?
Jack: it was all under control.
My dad: was there any problem?
Me: just bit of anxiety. But Jack and Zoë made it go away very soon.
My mum: thanks Jack.
Jack: nothing a good cuddle can't resolve.
Me: and Zoë's help... That added to your cuddle.
My mum: *my mum chuckles* anyways, go the table.
Me: bye.
Jack: bye.
Me: so, Joe. How was it?
Joe: wasn't as bad as I thought. Straight after Abi introducing me to them, Sean just gave me a hug. I love the Blair family.

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