Chapter 31- New Chapter

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Almost Halloween!!! Which means.... Almost Christmas!!! But, sadly, Jack and I have "given each other space". Lydia was getting in the way, way too much. I couldn't take it anymore. Plus, he was kind of getting distant. At least I felt so. I am obviously still friends with all of the friends we have in common, and more than once they've tried to put us together again, but we ended up fighting and arguing, as we always do. At this point I've just given up, I guess he has too...

Conor: Jack will be back with Josh any minute. We have to get this cover done as soon as possible.
Me: let's do it then. Mine or yours first?
Conor: I have to work a bit on mine before, let's start with yours.
Me: Starving it is.
Conor: that was amazing. I don't think we have to do it again.
Me: yay. You were incredible. By the way, Liv said you two had a date tonight...
Conor: yeah, we do. *he blushes*
Me: someone is a bit in love....
Conor: and someone who used to be, and honestly still is, is about to come in through that door.
Me: well, I am not. And I better go no-
Jack: oh, you're here.
Me: I was about to go now. Bye, let me know when you're able to record your cover.
Conor: sure will. Bye Val.
Me: bye Conor... Jack.

Conor's POV

Jack: why was she here?
Me: we had to record her cover.
Jack: can't you go to hers
Me: se doesn't have the equipment, and I wasn't gonna carry everything to hers to bring it back.
Jack: whatever.
Me: why don't you just admit that you're still in love with her? You always get really annoyed when she's around us.
Jack: love her? I'm over her. I don't know why you're saying this.
Me: you barely go out with us and when you do you leave sooner than anyone else. We obviously go to the same places we used to with her, everything reminds you of her. If that's not that you love her... I don't know what is.
Jack: I don't anymore, I used to love her. Plus we had to go to the closest places where they would let two 16 year olds in.
Me: anyway, I'm going on a date with Olivia tonight. Everyone is going to Val's house to film a video. She told me that she'd rather not see you there.
Jack: she won't have to worry. I won't go.
Me: oh, do one Jack. It has been over a month now, I think you should at least start talking to her or something. You can't be like this forever with her.
Jack: what do you mean? I act normal. You know what? Let's leave this, I'm hanging out with John tonight. I need to take a shower.
Me: John? Are you really hanging out with him again?

Jack used to hang out with John in his player days. When he met Val, he stopped hanging out with him. He became the best Jack he's ever been. When him and Val broke up, he started sneaking out and coming home the next morning with the biggest hangover. Each night it got worse and he arrived later everyday. I don't understand why he's with him again.

Jack: yes, him. Any problem?
Conor: you know my problem with him. I don't like him and he is a bad influence for anybody. You realised when you Val that he wasn't good for you, now you think he's alright all over again?
Jack: look, you don't know him like I do!
Conor: I know him enough, probably even better than you do.
Jack: just shut up and let me do me.

Valeria's POV

Olivia: tengo que irme, Conor acaba de llegar - I have to go, Conor's already here
Me: diviertete. Tienes que estar en casa antes de las nueve y nada de beber alcohol - have fun. Be home before 9pm and no alcohol please

livia: no te preocupes mama, cuantos metros tenemos que estar apartados decías? - don't worry mum, how many meters did you say to stay away from him?
Me: voy a ser buena, solamente diez metros de distancia - I'm gonna be good, just 10m away

They are just like Jack and I were. Happy but then everything goes down hill. I now have to study the song Conor and I are going to sing for his channel. Wanna know which one? Remix, all three top Spotify in the UK that he hasn't already done. I don't really know which base he is gonna use. I think its just going to be the number 1 UK. Olivia sometimes comes and he gets really into it. She came when we were rehearsing Starving and she got so into it, we just ended up palying it on repeat the whole evening. Till Jack came, and o had to go. I just can't be with him anymore. I'm still wearing his earrings. The one and only thing it will remain with me.

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