Chapter 13- Nando's

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Is it hot or is it just me? I've been in the car for about 5 seconds and I already feel boiling... When I got it was fine, but when Jack and Conor came in too... Oh My Gosh, you can feel the heat.

Any who... Earlier when Jack said I am sitting with him, now, in the car, I got a bit confused. I mean... I can't complain, I like him and he's really nice with me. Although knowing that he doesn't like me lond of depresses me, he likes that OTHER girl he met a few days earlier. And knowing that he talks to me as if it was nothing... Hurts. Wait, it doesn't... Why did I say that? Do I like him more than I think? Can't be, I've just met him for 2 days, way too short for liking a guy this much. Why am I so confused? Oh well... That's how I am I guess..

Jack: what are you thinking about?
Me: just, nothing. How is the girl situation going?
Jack: I'm not too sure, but I asked two of her friends and they've given me a very weird advice...
Me: don't let the others influence on your actions, just be you and win her the classic Jack style. Simple. Be yourself around her.
Jack: they told me she really plays hard to get and that she really likes me, but I have to win her in a very special way... I really don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt her feelings either... I really like her.
Me: well, when was the last time you've seen her?
Jack: umm, i-i am not- um- very sure, i guess a little earlier than coming to your house?
Me: okay... What did she tell you?
Jack: umm-s-she just said hi.
Me: that's kind of suspicious, but... Okay, I guess she feels nervous with you around.
Jack: yeah, um, not too sure about that...
Me: for sure. Well, when and where are we going to watch The Fault In Our Stars? I really wanna watch it.
Jack: well, we can watch it tonight and in Conor and I's house. And we can have popcorn and some tissues too, tears will roll like never before.
Me: have you watched it?
Jack: nope, just the trailer. O haven't watched the film itself.
Me: do you think we will cry a lot?
Jack: maybe, I mean, it is very sad.... They say. I don't know. Maybe it's not AS sad as everyone said it is.
Me: yeah, I don't really want to cry.
Jack: why? Crying is fine. I'll comfort you, don't worry.
Me: its not because of that, it's because of the mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow. Just make up in general.
Jack: you're not wearing a lot of make up though, are you?
Me: no, not really. I only wear proper make up filming videos. Not even vlogging. I just find it unconforatble and that when I take it off I look and myself as think: 'wow, I'm a piece of shit'.
Jack: well, I can tell you, you're not. You are actually one of the best girls I've ever met.
Me: well, what about THE girl?
Jack: well, she is another world. She kind of looks like you actually.

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