Chapter 24- Café and Confessions

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Valeria's POV

I was ready, I was dying to tell him. I am now in the bathroom taking a shower, I was so sweaty. I grossed myself out.

Jack: are you done yet?
Me: just one last rinse. Won't be long.
Jack: you always say that and end up being there for another 5 minutes.

Me: I'm a girl, what would you expect?

Jack: I dont know... But hurry! I also want to take a shower.

Me: I'm done. Still have to get dressed and put a bit of make up on.

Jack: I have to take a shower and do my hair.
Me: crap, I have to do that too. I'll do it whilst you take a shower. Don't worry, I'll do it the quick way.

Jack: how I like it?

Me: yeah. Can I get a kiss?

Jack: how many?

Me: how many you want.


Jack: are you ready?
Me: yeah, just come out! You're probably wearing the same thing as always...
Jack: I promise you it's not. 3, 2, 1... *he comes out the bathroom door* Tadaaaa!!!!
Me: wow, black on black. What a surprise...
Jack: my jeans don't have holes in them...
Me: is that the new thing?
Jack: nope, I'm wearing converse.
Me: why? I am wearing them too.
Jack: I don't know. I bought them, thought you'd like them. Love your playsuit by the way...
Me: thanks. Shall we go? *I put out my hand out*
Jack: yeah. *gives me a kiss and grabs my hand*

There's something about this that doesn't feel right. I feel like he now acts like nothing has happened. Doing everything we did before; not that's not what we should do but... You know what I mean? I think I am not going to be able to see him with the same eyes for a while...

Jack: is there anything wrong?
Me: no, why?
Jack: I don't know. I feel you a bit distant from me... *he looks at the floor with guilty look on his face*
Me: let's be honest, you've cheated on me, and that's not an easy thing for me to forget... You are my first boyfriend and I trusted you. I am just 16 years old, you're 21, almost 22, and its just hard for me to see this happen...
Jack: look I know that I've ficked up, and I won't be able to tell you sorry enough times so that I don't feel guilty. I just want you trust me again, I just want a second chance.
Me: I am giving you a second chance, but its just hard. I love you, Jack, and I know you love me too. But the fact that you even met up with her, knowing what she has done to me in the past, makes me question that...
Jack: I swear on my life this won't happen again, I know she did you wrong and that you both don't get on. We've been together for half a year now, we've had so much fun together, and, *he chuckles* I mean, what has just happened is a once in a lifetime thing.
Me: I know. *I chuckle as well*
Jack: so, does this mean that you are going to give me a solid second chance?
Me: not that the previous was a dodgy second chance, but yeah. I am giving you a solid second chance. *he looks straight to me in the eyes, and he hugs me, all this leading to a tiny make out session.... (Oops)*

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