Chapter 29- Lydia

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Me: guys, this is so sad. Today is the last day in Ireland. Tomorrow we will be flying back to London and the next day back to school. This is so depressing.
Jack: look at the bright side, you won't have to be with me all day.
Me: but I want to be with you. I'll miss you otherwise.
Jack: well, I don't know what to do about that.
Me: I do, pick me up from school.
Jack: ok, I'll do that.
Me: thanks.
Jack: just do your usual. Be a beauty blogger and say you have to say. You're teasing me.
Me: what do you mean I'm teasing you?
Jack: yeah, with that puppy like look... With your head down but looking up at me.
Me: do you think it's easy for me with those blue eyes you have? I've put my camera down by the way.
Jack: yeah. Great. *he stands up from the edge of the bed and comes up to me and gives me a passionate peck on the lips. His hands on my waist.*
Me: couldn't resist anymore, huh? *my arms around his neck and his still on my waist*
Jack: nope. *he kisses me again*
Me: are you gonna stay here today or are you going to come?
Jack: I'll go it's the last day, I don't want to miss it.
Me: ok. Let's go and pick Zoë up then. Olivia is already at the lobby with Caspar.
Jack: let's go then.
Me: special guests, today. Who might they be?
Olivia: the only people that have come with us, but have never appeared. Give it up to Zoë and Caspar!!!
Me: yeah, Jack's right there but he already came. He can't come. Sorry.
Caspar: I think we can do without Jack.
Zoe: he's a great guy though. Perfect friend.
Me: and boyfriend. Anyways, we are going to play some games and finally our last Q&A. It's very sad to know we're going...
Olivia: yeah, specially when it's your first YouTube event, it's special.
Zoë: I felt the same, don't worry. There'll be plenty of them. And each will get better and more special.
Caspar: I agree.
Me: alright, let's just get on with it.
Olivia: alrighty first we're gonna play most likely to. We have the cards with our names on them. Let's sit on the couch. And, START THE GAME!
Me: let's do this. First, most likely to do something embarrassing at the wrong time.
Girls: Caspar.
Caspar: what? Why me? I said Val.
Me: I'm clumsy, I'd just trip or something. You'd be able to say something out of place completely and make the worst decisions ever.
Zoë: yeah, but close second is you Val.
Me: I'm ok with that.
Olivia: who is most likely to say I love you in the first date.
Me: damn Caspar. You're getting all of these so far...
Zoe: I actually think it would be you, you know.
Olivia: I said me. I thought of it in the first date, didn't say it but thought.
Caspar: I vote Olivia. And why me anyways?
Me: I guess because you fall in love easily. I don't know. I didn't want to say me.
Zoë: great excuse. I'd probably use it too.
Caspar: who's most likely to have kids first.
Me: it's gotta be Zoë.
Zoe: yeah. I'm the oldest so...
Caspar: she'd be such a good mumy, so defenitely her.
Olivia: same.
Me: that's it for most likely to. I know it short, but the shorter the games, the longer the Q&A.
Olivia: and the last game is Stuff Your Mouth.
Me: yeah, but there's a twist. The one guessing won't have to stuff their mouth. We can really have subtitles live, that's why.
Caspar: who starts.
Olivia: well, I think that I should start with Caspar, since he's my guest.
Caspar: alright, I'll guess first. Just YouTubers or....
Me: yeah, just YouTubers that we know.
Olivia: alright, as soon as I'm stuffed, I'll start describing.
Caspar: alright. *she stuffs her mouth*
Olivia: ajdjsonsodnaomxndije.
Caspar: it's a male?
Olivia: u huh. Jkdnsod ksnsidnxo momj.
Caspar: he's very fair?
Olivia: modkdoe mdofmdo dmd osmd.
Caspar: oh, hair. He has a lot of hair?
Olivia: u huh. Ojh gojboihs bojsjdb slihd.
Caspar: black patch. Alfie.
Olivia: yeah! *she turns sideways to spit the marshmallows* They were so dry, it was horrible...
Me: now it's our turn Zoë. Let's beat their asses. We can do it faster.
Zoe: alright, I'll describe first. *she stuffs her mouth* Ghggrfjn ckjokjb nlmkjbngc cgjhvhljrxjk.
Me: male, with girlfriend. Alfie?*shakes her head* Jack?!
Zoe: *she spits the marshmallows* how did you get it so quick?
Me: you and I are the only ones with boyfriends that they know of... That one was pretty easy.
Zoë: now it's Caspar and I.
Caspar: ok, you're so gonna get this. It's easy. *he stuffs his mouth* gjfjvguc gigtivf yhog huhogf cfuvkgdvnk nof man hn.
Zoë: female.
Caspar: u huh, bigtvjugbnkifwqa jonggin crynkh jvrkonvwo.
Zoë: she's a twin. Lucy? *he shakes his head* Lydia. *he nods vigorously, and spits the marshmallows* It was so easy Caspar.
Caspar: I didn't really wanted to do it hard, cause I really want to start the Q&A.
Olivia: what about we start it now?
Caspar: sounds good to me.
Me: first question, this is the most asked one to me, and it says: do you think One Direction is going to get back together? As you may or may not know, I am a very loyal directioner. And I do truly think they're gonna get back together. We are giving them the support they needed and deserved. And I also think it was a deserved hiatus. They've been about 5 years, non stop. Give them a break.
Zoë: yeah, I agree. They do deserve a hiatus.
Olivia: if yoi could date any YouTuber, who would it be?
Me: Zoë and I are already dsting YouTubers... Shall de say who we'd date if they weren't our boyfriends?
Olivia: yeah, sure.
Me: I'd date Gabriel Conte. He's really funny and looks like he'd be a great boyfriend.
Olivia: I'd go simple, and go for Conor. Risky, he's not gonna talk to me after he finds out. Sorry.
Caspar: I feel like I'd date.... Lucy or Lydia. They are both very nice with me. Zoë, tour turn.
Zoë: oh God. I don't know... Tyler, a bit imposible though...
Caspar: but that's a good shout.
Me: we actually don't know him. But we love his videos. He's incredible.
Olivia: alrighty, next question. Why did you start YouTube?
Me: that is an interesting question to ask. Shall I start?
Olivia: yeah.
Me: OK, so I started YouTube because I just saw everyone being such a big influence in peoples life and in the world in general that I thought to myself: could I do this? Could I brighten someone's day? So I had an old compact camera around my house and I started a channel. I guess that's why.
Olivia: you so would do that. You're that type of person, that just wants happiness and that's always happy, and if she's feeling down, you know some things gone wrong and you should, like, be there and make her feel better.
Zoë: yeah, for this short time that I've known her, she's absolutely like that. She is also very empathetic. And knows what to do and when to do it.
Me: what a bout Caspar?
Caspar: well, I guess mine isn't as interesting as yours, but I just started it to make people laugh and let myself be stupid without regretting any of it.
Olivia: fair enough. I just started it because I was featured in one of Val's videos and I really liked being there and stuff , so I started my own channel.
Zoë: I just started bacuse I wanted to express myself more than in words, like on my blog, and I thought, why not make a YouTube channel.
Jack: it was so good. There was a point where I cry laughed and that for me is a really hard task.
Me: I'm glad you liked it. What shall we do next?
Jack: I don't know. I was thinking of a cute date night. Kind of celebrating the last day here in Ireland. Down for it?
Me: where should the date night be?
Jack: I was thinking of cinema and Nando's.
Me: great. Wanna change clothes before heading off? I want to change, I'm a little sweaty.
Jack: yeah, sure. It might get a little chilly later on. I need to go to the toilet though. I'll go now and then we can go to the hotel.
Me: alright. I'll wait here. See ya.

When Jack goes to the toilet, I stay there. But there's someone coming towards me. Is that Lydia?

Lydia: hey Val.
Me: Val is just for friends. Valeria for you.
Lydia: alright "Valeria". I saw you when Jack and I kissed.
Me: uhg, stop please. I don't want to argue, OK?
Lydia: but you saw us and you went off. How does it feel that Jack kissed me?
Me: you kissed him, he didn't kiss you. Can we stop please?
Lydia: oh, no he didn't. I was there honey, I know what really happened. He told you that because he wants to protect you, and he feels bad for it.
Me: I'm warning you, shut up Lydia...
Jack: hey, what's going on?
Me: Jack please can we go? I am not feeling good.
Jack: Lydia?
Lydia: I didn't do a thing. I was just talking to her and she was treating me. I don't know why.
Me: Jack, please.
Jack: is that true Val?
Me: what? No! She was just reminding me of the other day. She wants us to break up.
Lydia: oh my God. That is so not true. Why are you lying to your boyfriend?
Me: I'm not lying to him. Jack, please, I want to go.
Jack: look I'm not understanding a thing. But I know Val wouldn't threat anyone. And I don't think you (Lydia) would remind her that. It meant nothing.
Lydia: you don't want to hurt her. That's why you say that.
Jack: Lydia, you're making no sense. You're making her feel anxiuos. You would never do that. Why?
Lydia: nothing. I am not truing to make her feel bad about herself. Its her, she's making me feel bad about myself for what happened the first day.
Jack: Val? Is that true?
Me: what? No! Do you really believe her? The one you cheated on me with?
Lydia: see, she's making ME feel bad. Don't you see it?
Jack: look, Lydia. She's my girlfriend, you're my friend. I love her to death, I love you as a friend. That's it. Stop trying to break us up.
Lydia: really Jack? You're giving me up for a 16 year old? You've lost your mind...
Jack: maybe, but she always helps me to find it again. You just wish it could be you helping me. Let's go Val. You're shaking.
Me: *he grabs my shoulders with a strong and calming crisp and I whisper* I love you Jack. Thank you.
Jack: you don't have to thank anything. I did this because I love you too.

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