Character Talk: Frank Craze

Start from the beginning

Fred: Even though he has a cheery nature, he usually get annoyed by Fred who is always correcting him.

Like: Apples, Boxes, candy, Dancing

Dislike: Eerie stuff, Fred, Goat, Halls

Q and A
Hi! It my Quiche and Apple session! *get whisper in the ear* Really?! But Quiche and Apples sounds better! Plus I'm hungry!

From hiccuP11
Who do you like?
Like, Likey like? I don't know! But I always dreamed of a princess in a tower that is guarded by a dragon! Then I save the princess like every fantasy book I read! *eye sparkling* But every time I did that in real life people just seem to freak out. I think it's just the fact the dragon is in the same room with them.

What do you like to do?
Oh that's an easy one! I like to sometime draws! It help bring out of what I think because people doesn't know what in thinking.. Unless they are mind readers. Plus when I'm by myself I like to play with a bunch of puppets in a box at my room. The therapist told me it will help me with talking to others. But I'm already a good speaker! I can talk for an hour if I want to. I also like doing dances when I listen to music since it's so fun to do show. Yet people always complain when I try to get them to dance with me. A Very weird thing indeed.

Favorite Food?
Oh my favorite food is chocolate cottage cheese sandwich with squid! It's a very wacky looking sandwich to make snack since it gives off a very unique taste! People just judge it by it's look since they think it's very gross but it's actually really good! But don't eat it if you have food allergys. (Btw I just made it up so please don't make it for real, it just Frank liking wacky combination)

Do you know Peter? (Since he been in a mental asylum)

Peter? Who Peter? Oh do you mean Pumpkin Eater? (How he calls Peter, get it?) Well I guess you can say we have a pat together. Back in the asylum I use to stay in the same building with him. I have many methods and therapy session placed upon me and sometimes I would spot him being restrained by one of the nurses. I found out he and I well cell neighbors and I would always here him talking to himself sometimes but I also do that as well and burst into laughter later so it wasn't strange. But he always wore differently than the other patient so I asked the nurse why and she told me he was special. That's a good thing an great that he's special because mom said that people who are special are great! But I don't get the get up. I mean his mouth had a frame on it to stop him from biting others but I guess he must be hungry. See I have the picture. *show picture*

Now this Peter had brown hair instead of purple so he wasn't too crazy back then but he a least gushes with one girl named Vanessa

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Now this Peter had brown hair instead of purple so he wasn't too crazy back then but he a least gushes with one girl named Vanessa. I would always talk about him about the princesses and dragons and he would always replied with his famous wide grins. He must be really happy when I tell him the stories. Yay! But one day.. Peter did something.. Weird.. I was walking down the halls and I saw Peter struggling to break free from the nurses again. I was about to turn around and think it was a another time he did it but  he did something I never saw before. He suddenly let out a growl and push them push off suddenly as he begin to ruthlessly attack them by making deep cut before back up came and stopped him. I was move out of that place and transfer to another one just because I saw what happened. When I heard it burned down I notice that Peter was still smiling even though he lost him love. Soon I though of a fact that he must had caused it! Scary... After that incident I always feel jumpy when I see an unnatural occurrence happen because that scene always flash back in my mind when I see that so I eventually freak out.

How did you come up with the student names? (Sanity-Odd, Peter-Pumpkin Eater, Wendy-Gossip)

Well I usually come up with the names by either their personality or their specialty. Like Wendy, she loves to spread every kind of news, personal or good news.  So I called her Gossip because of that. Sanity was describe as a strange person since she is a dins rant persona and what she do is always.. Off.. So I called her Odd because of what I saw. I call Peter Pumpkin Eater from a nursery rhyme that suits him.

Peter Peter Pumpkin eater had a wife
(He loves Sanity and thinks she a wife)
But couldn't keep her
(Sanity reject him)
So he put her in a pumpkin shell
(He sometime get rid of the competition and keep other boy away from him)
And there he kept her really well
(He wants to keep her all to himself)

Finally Lucius as Him. He was always a mysterious person and had to describe so I only call Lucius Him for that reason.

Now that end of the session

Frank: Yay that was fun!

Me: Yes and now I shall go back to my writing stories and I will do more character talk if requested (but can't do character from the game like Lucius and Issac) But you can request character still.

Hope you enjoy!

Frank: Fairwell! And goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow!

Me: You read that off a Shakespeare book didn't you?

Frank: Yup!

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