And the next thing i realized my favourite top was drenched in juice reason being the hot hunk sitting right accross me. I gave him a hard angry glare as i stood up to clean the mess up. 

I walked staright to the washroom while he followed me well behind at a good distance. The mirror made it earlier for him to mock me as i could clearly watch the enjoyment on his face. He moved beside me and grabbed up hand from under the sink and started moving his fingers on trying to remove juice from them 'in his language' but the reality was that the juice was spilled on my top and not on my hands.

"JERK"i muttered "MR. MALHOTRA ITS FINE LETS JUST FINISH WITH UR INTERVIEW FAST" i removed my hands from his firm grip and rubbed my top with some water. It was definitely gonna leave a big bad stain. Exactly what i needed today.

As soon as i was conviced that i had myself cleaned well. I turned my heels back to sofa and sat down at a good distance away from the mess we had created.

"YEs MR. MALHOTRA ANYTHING THAT YOU WANT OR WISH TO ACHIEVE IN YOUR LIFE AFTER BEING AT NUMBER ONE ???" as soon as the words slipped off my mouth, i saw a smrik forming on his lips. This is what i call digging your own grave.Should have checked the questionnaire before i took it from the office.

"Well i don't think that there is something that i want and can't get. Although it does takes some time but i always get what i want and as i am supposed to be honest in this interview. It's YOU who's topping my list of future achievemtns." He replied and this was the last bit of my patience strand. 

"MR MALHOTRA I AM NOT A THING THAT YOU CAN WISH  FOR AND AS I HAVE EXPLAINED QUITE WELL TO YOU BEFORE. NOT ANYTIME SOON. NOT LATER . YOU WON'T GET ME ..EVER .. " i roared out my anger that had been piling up inside of me since i walked inside his threshold.

"As i said miss. I always get what i want. By hook or by crook" he replied with a serene calmness in his voice. As if no one of my words had affected him. 

This entire afternoon i has tried my level best to be patient with him. Took it all professionally but sometimes you gotta take the hard way in life. And i exactly did that. 

"You know what there is always a first time for everything in this world" i said and got up to leave. As soon as i reached the door i heard him say "Just an advice. I think it's better that you change before you leave ".

I looked myself from top to bottom and realised that indeed he was correct. I was a mess and i can't go out in this outfit anymore. I decided to keep my ego and self respect aside for a few seconds and ask if he could help me out with this.

But as soon as i turned back at him a pair of shorts and a plaint white shirt were shuffed in my hands. It was very polite of him to help me out without me asking him but the question was whose clothes were these? I surely had and idea that he was the only person living in this mansion and that he had no family.

But the faster the question arised, the faster it got answered as i realized how much of a player he was with a new girl every night. Assuming that the outfit was from one of his many girls i looked at him, grabbed the outfit from his hands and went staright inside the washroom to get myself cleaned up for the last night in his mansion. 

"Don't run your brain much. These are from my cousin's closet but you can have them" i heard him speak from the pther side of the door.

"As if i cared. Idiot" i muttered 

"I heard you" he replied back 

"You were supposed to "i nodded my head in disbelief replied.

I quickly got myself dressed and came out of the bathroom. On deciding not to give him even a look, i swiftly grabbed my bag and left. 

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