Chapter 31 "Proposal"

Start from the beginning

"There you are. Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere."

"I just bought a crying boy an ice cream and helped him find his mom. And thankfully, we did find her or rather, she found us." I explained. She grinned and round her arms on my waist.

"Didn't expect for you to be kind to children lover boy", she teased. I softly pinched her cheeks.

"There's a lot of things you still don't know about me and 'I love children' is one those things."

"That's what I love about you. You're full of surprises." She quickly kissed the tip of my nose.

"Come on, let's have some ice cream", I offered. 

The rest of the day was amazing. I enjoyed watching her laughing and screaming when we went to an amusement park. I couldn't believe how she could scream so loud that I had to cover my ears the entire time when we were on a ride. But the most amazing part was when she got so clingy when some women looked at me. She always mouthed at me to don't look back at them. But, it wasn't just her, on the other hand, I get so protective and jealous when other men looked at her.

"So, did you enjoy our little date?", I ask glancing at her.

"Very much. Thank you", she said. I gave her a smile and looked back on the road. My phone vibrated on my pocket and I fetched it from my pocket. I looked at the screen before answering it.

"Everything's set. Are you on your way?" Tom asked.

"Great. We're on our way. Thanks man."

"Anytime bro."

"Who was that?" Rhel asked after I ended the call.

"Tom. I have a surprise for you. You'll know when we get there." 

I drove for another 10 minutes until we reached my office building. I could see she was curious and excited at the same time when we got out of our car. We waited for few minutes before we reached the rooftop. I wrapped a handkerchief around her eyes before I pushed open the metal door.

"Come on babe, do you have to cover my eyes?" she asked.

"It's a surprise babe. Okay there's a small stairs about five steps. Okay now step up..." I guided her until we reached the helicopter pad.

Everything looks great! I unwrapped the handkie from her eyes.

"Oh my God!", she gasped. She looked around while covering her mouth. Her eyes shone brighter because of the light coming from all the candles surrounding us, enveloping the whole pad. We walked through a path with a candle lining each side towards the center with a big H.

"This is so amazing Luke." Tears formed on the corner of her eyes. I smiled and brought my forefinger up. I took my phone from my pocket and called Tom.

"Send him up." Her brows creased in confusion. 

"Okay. He'll be there in 5...4...3...2..." I gestured my hand towards the stairs. "...1." She looked towards the direction and we saw Mr. Kane came running towards us. When he reached us, he was jumping and wagging his tail. I crouched down and grabbed the small red box on his mouth. I looked up at Rhel and saw tears streaming down on her cheeks. Her eyes wide open and she covered her mouth with her two hands. My hearts beating faster and louder I felt like it would explode on my chest. 

How is this even possible? I never felt this nervous my whole life.

I knelt on one knee and slowly opened the box. I cleared my throat before saying...

"I know we've just been dating for six moths Rhel and I know you're thinking that I'm going a little too fast but I can't help it. I want to wake up seeing you beside me everyday, I want to eat every meal with you, I want to have a family with you, I want anything to do with you... I want to love and take care of you forever. Will you let me do it? Will you let me be by your side to cherish and love you?... Will you marry me Rhel Cassandra Forbes?" I gulped my nervousness in and waited for her answer.

"Y-Yes Luke. I-I will marry you", she said through her sobs. I stood up and hugged her tight then after I gently put the ring on her finger and kissed it.

"Yes bro!", Tom shouted afar. We looked at them. Tom walked towards us while holding hands with Amber, William, Megan and Edward behind them and then there's mom and dad. Mr. Kane was barking while wagging his tail so Rhel carried him.

I've never been so happy in my life. I was so thankful when she finally said yes. It was like the sweetest word I so longed to hear. I promised I'll take care of her and love her forever and I would do anything to keep that promise.

Finally, Luke proposes to Rhel and they're taking their love to the next level. Well, we'll see what'll happen next now that they are engaged.

And for this chapter, I decided the song 'I Do Cherish you" by 98 degrees..

Cheer yo! 


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