Part 1

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A detective agency somewhere in New New York. Not New York, New York which is a song sung by Frank Sinatra. No, New New York was on the earth of the inaptly named cowboy/detective dimension. Cowboy, because somebody had gone back in time to the ancient Egypt of this world and seeded a cowboy hat. That would explain that the cowboy hat was a popular fashion accessory throughout the whole world. Cowboys from all over the world from ancient times wore the hat. What about the gun? Well not all cowboys need a gun, after all they are supposed to look after cows, so as long as they are good on a horse and good with a rope then that's good enough.
So what about the detective part? There have always been detectives because there has always been crime. From the ancient Roman vigiles who policed and detected through to Isaac Newton who had cracked an elaborate currency fraud gang to Sherlock Holmes the greatest detective of them all. However detective is not really a culture. Cowboy is but it is specific to a time and a place, the American West from about 1848 To 1920, what an inapt melding of two genres to create a dimension
So we are still in the detective agency in the American continent in the city of New New York and waiting for the main protagonist to appear. "Uh hum," (said I, or rather cleared the throat I.)
"What?" said the regal personage who had just walked through the door.
"I was describing my wait for the main protagonist to appear."
"That would be me then," said Arthur King of the Britons.

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