Merry Christmas, Krissa

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How did you know? How did you know, Trent?

Christmas is just around the corner, Journal. Mom stored you in my closet so deep I thought I lost you for good. So much odd things happened over the past weeks I haven't written in you.

For one, Trent is officially hanging out with us. Like all the time.

It started the week after his birthday. He just popped up at the school doors when he saw us, at the lunch table we were sitting at, and finally when we were heading home. With that schedule going over and over, his close friends started to join him.

Leon (who I distinctly remember from a certain cycle and a certain "love spark" with Arlene and stairs) has the most hilarious expressions. Whenever he trips, slips, or stumbles he would make the weirdest expressions or pretends to repeat his fall with odd sounds so he can cover up his embarrassment. Out of the whole group, Arlene laughs at his expressions the loudest.

Oliver is the guy who is full of jokes and riddles. If you ask him a riddle, he'll probably know the answer in a snap. Although he has a lot of jokes, he's mostly corny. Maybe even cornier than Trent.

The least guy I expected to hangout with us was Juan. Out of Trent's three friends, he's the most serious. But he's a good entertainer when it comes to tricks (like eating seven cookies at once) and announcing. Whenever the boys play basketball, he would be like the sports announcer even if he's almost breathless. It's his good side, but you don't want to mess with his bad side. Even if you offend him or bump him by accident he puts you on his mental "list of victims". He would bump you back (harder) in word or in physical activity.

Out of all the guys, I never realized Trent was the quietest. He's one to laugh at your jokes and even join you for some fun, but when it comes to standing up for someone, he's brave. Whenever Juan gets heated up, Trent gets there in a flash to cool him down. Although Trent might get punched once or twice because of Juan's temper, he doesn't fight back. He understands how people feel. When Juan is heated. When someone is feeling down. When a teacher is in need. He'll help make you happier.

That's why an hour ago I was staring at him from the opposite side of the gym. It was the Christmas Party and the performances had just ended.

"Alright girls and boys, the moment you've all been waiting for-" A teacher called out.

"Snack time!" Oliver shouted, hiding behind a Juan's shoulder.

Several students laughed aloud.

After the teacher shushed them he went on, "I expect you have a gift for the girl who had appeared on your ticket, boys. Hand your exchange gifts in 3, 2, 1!"

I was only staring after one boy.

Trent didn't move. He seemed to be having trouble breathing as he stared at the floor. But with a blink of his eyes, he stood up in a snap. Walking like a robot, he came up to me and Arlene.

My hopes seemed to be varying like the waves of a choppy ocean. Would he give it to me? Would he give it to Arlene? But...why wasn't he carrying anything in his hands?

"Hey Krissa, I need to talk to you for a second." His face was dead serious as he gestured outside.

Now my head was spinning. What was it he wanted? Maybe he wasn't going to give any gift after all?

Just as we stepped out of the gym, Trent turned to me. With an outstretched hand, he handed me a small box. "Merry Christmas, Krissa." He said as he put on a big grin.

I smiled so wide (as wide as a girl-in-front-of-her-secret-crush could get) as I opened the little box. My heart stopped, and it was as if times cycles were merged just enough to reach back into my memory and grab that little guitar keychain he had given me a few cycles ago.

It was the exact one.

"How did you..." My words drifted off into the unknown. How could he give this to me again? I mean, I broke my guitar in a cycle before...but he didn't know that. DId he? DID HE?!

"How did I what?" He asked with a confused tone.

"Um, how did you know my guitar was blue?" I smiled as politely and calmly as I could. But in my head, Journal, I was not calm. I was freaking out. Did the strands of time break or something? Did he know about all the things from before? How many times I came back to these moments just to perfect the moment...the right where he was?

He shrugged his shoulders, placing his hands in his pockets as if uncomfortable. "I just...felt. Yeah, felt like I wanted to give it to you. I saw it hanging at a tourist shop and wanted to give it to you, because I see you around with a blue guitar just like it. It reminded me of you," His eyes darted around the room as he spoke, as if afraid to look me in the eye. "do you like it?"

I peered at the tiny keychain in my hand and nodded. Glittering with blue, it meant a lot to him to give it to me. And now, it meant a lot to me. But you wouldn't know how much he really meant to give it to me until later when we were all cleaning.

Leon elbowed Trent as we all were stacking up chairs, "How did Krissa like it? After you scoured the classroom for her ticket." Then he looked to me, "You know, he was asking the whole day. Asking all the guys who had your ticket, and trading until he could get yours. He really wanted to give you an exchange gift."

What? He was looking for my ticket? Why?

Trent shoved him back, making him accidentally trip over a fallen mop. Which, in turn, made him fall into an empty trash can.

"He's just jealous I have a friend's ticket. He had to get a total stranger girl. Hard to pick gifts for girls like those." He whispered loudly to me.

But after that...I couldn't help but wonder. How much effort did he put in finding my ticket?

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