Chapter one

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•Brook's POV•

My parents, my seventeen year old brother Tyler and I just got here, a few hours ago. A little town in Alabama. I honestly didn't want to come. I've lived in New York my whole life and I really liked it there but I guess I didn't have a choice here. I absolutely needed to start fresh.

Anyway I'm kind of excited because school will be off in a month and summer vacation is going to start and we have a pool! Even though I don't have friends yet, I'm sure one month will be enough to make a few of them. The only problem is that I'm not really outgoing. I'm not shy, I just don't like people that much.

Today is a Sunday which means I have to get ready for school tomorrow. Yay! (You can note the sarcasm here). My brother and parents went to visit our new neighbors who seem nice and outgoing. In New York we didn't talk to our neighbors, actually we didn't even know them. I think here in this town, all the people are like one big family and it's cute. I'm sure going to get used to it. It's not as if I have a choice.

So for now I'm going to unpack a few things and get ready for tomorrow. I have to make a good impression on my first day (one month before the end of the school year, wow thanks again mom and dad).
"Brook!" I heard Ty knocking on my door.
"Yeah come in!" I yelled.
He opened the door and my jaw dropped when I saw the blue eyed guy standing next to him. I was looking at an ocean, not at his eyes. His brown hair made his blue eyes pop even more. That was a good looking guy.

"Brook this is our neighbor, Dylan. Dylan this is my little sister Brook." Ty said.
"Hi." I smiled at Dylan.
"Hi." He said with a smirk forming on his face as he shook my hand.
"So I guess you guys will be spending a lot of time together?" I asked still looking at him and now slightly smiling. Ty gave me a warning look which made me want to laugh but I didn't. I forced a serious face.

"I hope I'm gonna spend some time with you too Brook." Dylan's smirk grew bigger if that was even possible. And I started laughing.
"Okay. So Dylan at what time do we start tomorrow?" Ty asked trying to make the weird tension in the room go away.
"We start at nine everyday. If you want we can walk to school together tomorrow and I'll show you around." Dylan said quiet shyly.
"Yeah." Ty said.
"That would be great." I added.
"Ok so I'm gonna go guys, see you tomorrow!" He said.
"Bye." I smiled.
"Bye." He mumbled and left my room with Ty.

After showering and going to bed I started thinking about everything that has been happening lately and after all I think it's a good thing that we moved here. Ty and I should stop being mad at mom and dad. True they could have waited one month but... I don't even know what to think anymore. In one month a lot could have happened there. They only wanted to protect us, especially me.

I just hope I'll make friends quickly. I'm not the only who doesn't like people. A lot of people don't like me because of my attitude. I'm very confident most of the times and I'm not scared to say what I think. I actually don't care about a lot of things. I think that's the real problem.

I think I should just sleep right now. I'm really tired and tomorrow is my first day at my new school. Yayy (sarcasm again).

Hey guys ! This is literally my first chapter published so please don't be mean to me if it's bad. Just give me your opinion and some advise and please comment! Tell me what you think of the story and what you think is going to happen.

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