My heart jumped at his words, my eyes trapped in his viridian ones as I nodded.

Saffron smiled, "Now that that's settled, let me tell you more about your home, Kenadia." She took my hands as Viridian sat cross legged on the floor, letting me rest my feet on his lap as he softly traced shapes on my skin to wordlessly assure me that he wasn't going anywhere.

I gave the orange haired girl my attention, biting my lip anxiously.

"We call ourselves Akasha after the fifth element since in a way we are like that mysterious unknown element, but we honestly don't have a true name for our species -we have always just been...for as long as time itself." She shrugged as if it weren't this mind-warping information coming out of her mouth. "There are five houses in total." She said with a thoughtful nod, "Ivory, Ebony, Cerise, Celadon, and Azure." She counted them off with her fingers. "Each are equally important but nobody really stays in the same house for more than a few centuries. However, you have always been -and will most likely always be- from the House of Celadon; which is Nature or Earth based." she told me with what looked like a proud smile spread on her face.

"Once you've gotten your human body back, you will begin to feel a restless energy inside of you. Normally, when we are reborn, we are around the human age of three. As a result the energy we feel comes to be a normal thing we never second think. But since the spell this stupid cute vampire-" she bent down and swatted said stupid cute vampires head as he bared his fangs at her in surprise "-casted caused you to come back into your adult human body, you are now going to really feel this energy. It will make you feel strong and powerful and make it seem like you can do anything --as if there's something inside of you wanting to burst out." She stopped and looked at me pointedly, "You must be careful. Especially you of all people." Her head shook.

"What does that mean?" Viridian spoke for me, his hands that were massaging my foot stopped as he glanced up.

Saffron exhaled sharply, her blue eyes locking onto Viridian's. "We have certain powerful abilities as it is, but Kenna is exceptional. She is the Celadon Princess. She rules over Earth magic like no other." She turned to my confused expression, "Most Celadon's can control and manipulate trees and plants and such to a certain extent, but since you have only ever had and used Earth magic, there's really no limit to what you can do. You have even managed to learn other types of magic, such as mine: Life manipulation and control. You are able to control/manipulate most of the animals and insects in your forest. At least all of the small ones." Saffron chuckled as I continued to look at her like she was crazy.

Life control? Plant control? Me? I couldn't see it.

Saffron smiled, understanding my look of disbelief, "You're not there yet in your current body, but you will be." She promised. "Anyways, like I was saying, I'm from the House of Ebony. The most advanced stage of Life magic is the control of large intelligent beings such as humans. But I'm only able to shape-shift into small creatures and sometimes manipulate tiny animals and insects into doing my biddings." She said modestly, but I was greatly impressed.

I looked over at Viridian, sensing his gaze on me. "Can I help you?" My voice bit out as a smile played on my lips.

He looked so wonderstruck. He was so adorably lost. Honestly, so was I, but I felt okay even if it was overwhelming. I was finally getting answers.

He shook his head, seeming to be at a loss for words. "It's just..." He trailed off with another shake of his messy hair, "Akasha's sound very powerful. It doesn't make sense for the underworld to not know about you guys."

colours of viridian | BOOK ONE | J a d e d ✔️Where stories live. Discover now