My real backstory

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Hey what's up you guys?

I have a confession to make...

No, you all know i'm gay already, so we got that figured out..

So, the real thing is-


Like, we all know we got Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup.

But what they didn't know is aside from sugar, spice, and everything nice, there was also salty.

Like, sugar, spice, everything nice, oh wait, and there's that salty one over there by the corner.

Yep, that's me.

I'm probably that rejected power puff girl that got to much of chemical x.

So, i didn't get those cool super powers.

I got fingers and the power to type the cringiest things in the internet.

And instead of ending up in the lab, like the three, i got in my mom's 'we all know what's down there' and got out and stayed at a damn hospital.

And instead of being in Miss Keane's class i ended up in a shitty school that is not in Townsville and sUFFERED MOST YEARS OF MY FUCKING LIFE.

Whoops, sorry. Got a little carried away there.. Pretend you didn't read that...


Blossom was the smart one,
Bubbles was the cute one,
And Buttercup was the tough one.

And what was i? (Wrong grammar??)

The failed one.

Sure you saw that time with the failed purple powerpuff girl's, and no that wasn't me. The purple one was a big fail, but i was literally the bigger fail.

Oh, right, my powerpuff girl name?


So yeah...

Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, and Bitch.

Where'd you guys go? That was me explaining my whole backstory to you all. Also, give this chapter a vote and a comment. Share this to your grandmother or smth. And i'll see you lil powerpuffs, in le next update.

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