Honest thoughts

19 3 5

Ok, so i was nominated by BriarRaven8680 at her little own 'Honest thoughts'. So, it's basically giving insights about your works or others' works. So, let's do this!

First, let's start off with my fucking crap:

1.) Dollhouse (Book one of the LilyVille series)-
You all know this isn't my first story, but i'm sure as hell this is my first book series. And let's say it isn't my best work, though it was decent. At first, i thought my idea was original, creative, and just so awesome. But after awhile, i realize, it sounds cliche and shit. But i don't care, that's what farted out of my mind, i'll just lay it there for people who haven't read a story like this just in-case. It was pretty bland though. And a flaw of mine is that when ideas sound so amazing in my head, it sounds too straightforward and confusing once i write it down, i think it's because of my forgetfulness, and that i can't remember all the details i think of in that high-potential idea. So, overall, it was good enough to be at least a children's book XD, loljk, it was nice, yet confusing and boring at times. Also, a hint of cliche.

2.) Fake royalty (Book one of the Edgardian royalty series)
Second series, and honestly, i don't know how this came to my mind. I just thought, what if i wrote some royalty series, 'cause why not? I fricken' feel like it. Plus, i felt like making a mystery-ish series. For me, this is also confusing. I really don't have anything positive to say about my original stories. I know, i suck at it. >.<

3.) Christmas at Spavento's (Thief lord fanfic)
I find this fanfic cute and sweet, although kind of boring. Since it's just a typical christmas celebration. Nothing special. But yeah, i had the Christmas spirit in me that time and i wanted to make some special story/fanfic with a holiday theme. And since, i don't really look forward to Christmas that much anymore, i decided to make a new thing for me to make something Christmas-themed in Wattpad. So, watch out for this Christmas, 'cause who knows what the hell i'm gonna do.

4.) Ten little fkcers (South park fanfic)
My latest mastershit, haha. Anyways, if it's just not obvious my fanfic style is combining a great story idea, plot, or situation that i'd want to see in my current fandom's characters. And of course, those are from two different franchise thingies. Like this. Agatha Christie's And then there were none and the South park characters. What would they do in this kind of situation? And boom, there goes Ten little fckers. Anyways, this story is also confusing, but i like it so far.

Now, for some other stories made by awesome people who make astonishing stuff:

5.) Corpse party (All of it; South park fanfic by @Southpark4646)
Fcking love it! It's such a well-thought idea!! Plus, i love both Corpse party and South park, so fck, i love you for thinking of this, you and the people who helped you out on this!!! I wonder what's gonna happen to Stan... :(

6.) Cold coffee (South park; Creek fanfic by Emily9145 )
This was a fanfic that was short, but beautiful. I also loved it, of course. You made me ship Creek even more. X3

7.) Rumours (Again, South park fanfic by @Blazedarkness)
It was down-right interesting and intriguing. Pls. Update soon. Haha. I wanna know who's the next victim. XD

8.) Flying solo (Last South park fanfic [duh] by @tomboyfandom)
I fcking love this fanfic! So fcking much!! Serious-fcking-ly!!! So much 'fcks', right? Because i rarely give a fck about things and this fanfic is something i give a fck about. (Honestly, all the fanfics here and some other fanfics) It's super awesome and amazing!!!! Pls. Update soon, a'ight? :3

Here's some honorable mentions:
- This is the person i have become (South park, by @tomboyfandom)
- My little South park swearing is magic (mlp/sp crossover fanfic by @south_park_fan)
- Unexpected love (@JaneMily)
- The Surgeon (@francisyzk)
- Meet the Baxtards (@8tracks)
- Can't stop love (TheCarttersShipper )

Anyways, i nominate:

That's all. K, bye!

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