A simple & little message... For you!

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Honestly, i don't get why some people are so negative and they want to die so bad. Sure, you're experiencing some god-awful shit and you just feel dreadful. But we were made to live amazingly and the hard time given to us because (since i believe in Him) God knows we can conquer the problems, learn lessons, and look back to be proud that you did it. I may or may not know you but let me tell you this-- you're smart, strong, sweet, beautiful, worth it, and there are people who love you. And don't worry if some people don't like you, you don't wake up everyday just to impress them, right? And i know you can do it. And you're probably trying. And i'm proud enough that you're slowly standing up. Soon enough, you'll rise to become better than you are. Now, do me a favor: Put your chin up, smile on. Spread the love. Take that thing or person that damages you deeply away and out of your life. Stay super cool, awesome, amazing and lovely, my friend. Carry on living, do your best, and try to be positive.

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