Domande e risposte

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BriarRaven8680 nominated me for this, therefore i have to answer her questions.

But first, here are the rules-

1.) You have to post all the rules.

2.) You have to tag 13 people.

3.) Each person has to answer 13 questions about themselves.

4.) You have to make 13 questions for the people you tagged.

5.) Don't skip tags.

6.) Tagbacks are allowed.

7.) If you don't complete this in a week, you have to do what i say.

8.) Be creative with the title.

9.) Put it in the book, not in the comments.

Anyways, let's do this:

1.) What's your favorite subject in class and why?

Um, my favorite is either Social studies or Computer. Why? Because my teacher in Social studies (also, the teacher/adviser in homeroom.) makes history easy to learn, and fun as well. Computer? I don't know, it's very fucking easy, and i always seem to ace that subject.

2.) What is your favorite topic that you like to talk or rather discuss in your head? (Ex. Penguins, paranormal occurrences... Etc.)

Um, tons of different shit. Depends on the day. Mostly it will be the uprising topics in the world, or at least school, latest gossip, gay shit, psychological shit, (call this narcissistic but) my shit (not literally), writing prompts, books, some video games, some anime shit, and some music... Shit..

3.) If you are a superhero, what are your powers and what's your nemesis based on your real life?

Basically, if i'm a superhero, my power would be biokinesis, and the ability to warp reality. And my nemesis would be based on myself as well, i mean like, i have this side of me that i always fight with, it's a side i don't like. So, i like the idea of me just trying to conquer something that i've been trying to fight back for a long time.

4.) What is your favorite physical activity and why?

I'm not a physical person.

5.) Have you ever experienced a miracle in disguise, like a bad moment quickly turns into a sweet moment?

No, i haven't. But i could really use one right now, i totally want it to happen. I really NEED it to happen. Bc... Never mind..

6.) Who are your role model/s and why? (It could be a fictional character or a real person. Just don't tell the real person's name because... I respect your privacy. Just state the general term for your role model/s.)

Well for starters, all Holy figures (such as- God, Jesus, Mary, Holy Spirit, and. Joseph) are a big role model to me. (#2Catholic4U) my family and friends inspire me too. And tons of celebs/authors/youtubers also motivate me into just simply doing what i love doing, no matter how shitty i do it.

7.) Have you ever experience something so dire and sad, it made you sink into depression?

As you all know, i'm clinically depressed, easily hurt, and very sensitive, so basically, this is question just makes me say: Me. Everyday. Yes, it may not seem like it, but yeah, i'm sweet and mischievous, but my point of view in life is fucking shitty.

8.) What is your favorite youtube video?

Any fucking Pewdiepie video. He's my favorite youtuber of all time.

9.) What are your talent/s?

Well, idk. Ever since i was young, i believed that my talent was making people happy. And i carried on sharing that talent of mine to the world. Until i start to question myself if i really make people happy. But when i was told one time (not really) that my talent is really making people happy, then so be it. Now, i live to make sure everyone i see is happy. Which is hard because, i'm also the type of person who gets easily broken, and when i'm just not feeling it, it's hard to make people happy. (This is why i hate sadness [no, not the character. The general idea of it.], and people crying.)

Oh, you mean like drawing, playing sports, and other shit like that? I don't think i have that kind of talent. (No, writing isn't my talent. Nor, is it singing.)

10.) If you could be an animal for one day and live in the wild, what animal would you be?

A monkey. Because i was used to be described as wild as a monkey, and yeah, it's true. Although, pls. If i was a monkey, don't give me your bananas. (>.<)

11.) What's your zodiac sign?

Pisces. The sign that's always torn in between two contrasting ideas.

12.) What nationality are you?

Most of you know this already.

13.) If you have the power to go back in time, what moment would you want to witness and why? Would you change the original timeline or just let it flow?

I'd go back to my childhood. Because i miss my younger self, kind and optimistic with no care in the world. I like to feel nostalgia. And i never really wanted to grow up, unlike some of you kids, so i fucking hate puberty (except for the fact it made me pretty). I'm still young, i know. But i want to be younger. And i wouldn't change it. My childhood's fucking perfect. *sobs* I WANNA GO BACK!

Tag time! (For the sake of tagging, you don't necessarily have to do it. But it would be cool if you do.)








Alice-Grimm -Grimm






Mah questionz!!:

1.) What's your current fandom?

2.) What fairy tale could you say is close to your real life?

3.) Panic! At the disco, yay or nay?

4.) If you'd make a video game, what will it be? (Details. I'm interested.)

5.) If you'd form a band, what would it be called?

6.) How's the outside world?

7.) Do you like Sans?

8.) What was your best and favorite dream that you could remember?

9.) What's your favorite gay ship?

10.) What is 9 + 10?

11.) You have OCs, right? Which one's your favorite, and which is the one that's closest to you?

12.) What would be your superhero name?

13.) If you would change your hair color, what color would it be?

Anyways, that's all. K, bye!


Ms. Page Turner

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