Song challenge!

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Finally an update! So, i found this on tumblr and made this a challenge... I call it.. THE SONG CHALLENGE! Basically, just answer the thingies below, the answers are supposed to be SONG titles or none or idk. Oh, i'll tag people after this and a tip-- if you name a song put in a parenthesis or bracket the artist, ONLY IF YOU KNOW THE ARTIST, it's okay if you don't know.

1.) A song from the year you were born on
- Idk. The ketchup song. XD (idk the artist.)
2.) A song that reminds you of school
- The hymns. Also, for my former school, it would be Problem (Ariana Grande), Uptown funk (Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson), Time of our lives (Tyrone something something) and Shine your way (Owl city). And for my school now, it's Invisible (Hunter Hayes) and that mash-up of I'm the best and Who run the world. (2ne1 and Beyonce) XDD
3.) A song tied to a specific moment in your life
- The happy birthday song. XDDD
4.) A song that is not sung in your native language
5.) A song that is over 5 minutes long
- Usually EDM and house music.
6.) A song that is under 2 minutes long
- Usually nursery rhymes. XDDDDD
7.) An instrumental
-Again, EDM and house music.
8.) A classical piece
- For Elise? (Ludwig van Beethoven)
9.) A song with no percussion
- Idk. XD
10.) Something you've heard performed live
- Tons, but can't remember. XDD
11.) Something you'd give ANYTHING to perform live
12.) A song by an artist who's from where you're from (town/city/state/country)
- I can (?) [Janella Salvador]
13.) A song made suddenly precious because of a special someone
- Idk, none.
14.) A song made suddenly AWFUL because of a special someone
- Still, idk, none.
- 7/11 (Beyonce)
16.) something to scream along to
- Problems (Mother mother)
17.) A song for raging
- Bit by bit (Mother mother)
18.) A song that demands lip-syncing into makeshift microphone
- Emotions (Mariah Carrey)
19.) The last song you had stuck in your head
- Little pistol (Mother mother)
20.) A song your dying to master all the words to
- Burning pile (Mother mother)
21.) A song you could SLAY at karaoke
- Beat it or Thriller (Michael Jackson)
22.) A song you can't help but dance to
- Shut up and dance (with me?) [Walk the moon??]
23.) A song that makes you wanna dance on the table
- Take me home
24.) A song that makes you wanna STRIP
- Cheerleader or Twerk it like Miley
25.) A song with a great music video
- Stay the night, Find you (Zedd) or Paradise (Coldplay?)
26.) A song that makes you wanna act out the music video when you hear it
- Wrecking ball (Miley Cyrus)
27.) A song with counting
- Chandelier (Sia)
28.) A song with spelling
- The campfire song (Spongebob)
29.) A song with a lot of clapping
- A lot, butt idk.
30.) A song 40 years older than you
- Rockin' robin?
31.) a song you wish your parents didn't know the words to
- Idk.
32.) A song whose lyrics shocked you once you were old enough to understand them
- Idk.
33.) A song you have ZERO patience for
- Thinking out loud
34.) A song you'd like your favorite artist to cover
- Any Taylor Swift song
35.) A great song you discovered thanks to a movie
- Flashlight (Jessie J)
36.) A great song you discovered thanks to television
37.) A song your ashamed to have in your music library
- None.
38.) Ok, what's the song your ashamed to have in your library
- None.
39.) The most played song in your music library
- Heaven (Ailee) [YEAH, I FUCKIN' LOVE THAT SONG.]
40.) Favorite disney song
- A friend like me or When you wish upon a star

I nominate/ tag:

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