I don't know what to name anymore

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So, fight back turned into a song instead of a poem. Nice. Not. Fighting back, as i sang it, sounded like pop rock, which is something i'm not a big fan of. But i made a song with a tone like it. And it's the first song i wrote that didn't rhyme, but still had a tune, yay! #proud Anyways, so i don't know why i've been making songs, i just did. Well, actually it started when Dianne made a song for our collab, and i got jealous and insecure, so i made one myself. I enjoyed it and carried on. Up until i made Verge of insanity then Fighting back. And i kinda feel bad that i couldn't really sing it to y'all since i have a terrible voice. So, yeah. Lol, what's the point of making songs if you have a bad voice? Duh, for someone else to sing it for ya!! Anyways, that's all. K, bye!! #sorrynotsorry Oh, and btw, i forgot to tell you, the song used in Valentine's day in TYC was The perfect stallion, changed into someone, from mlp. Shout out to all you pegasisters and bronies out there, as i was a former one. But now i like annoying my friends with the show's songs. Teehee!!! If i made more than five song already, it will be combined into one book, like my poems.


Ms. Page Turner

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