The term 'Pulpies'

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Ok, y'all know how i occasionally call you all: 'Pulpies'? Yeah. I know i'm telling about this for like, the billionth time but let me tell you...

Why do i have a name for you, you have your own names, plus i could just call you my readers, friends, etc.? Those are just too bland. Plus, i want to call you something else special, as stupid and cheesy it sounds, it's what i got.

What does 'Pulpies' supposed to mean? Derived from the word 'Pulp' (of a paper) and Puppies. I chose those two words to be mix into what i may call you because paper pulps are what make a page, and it can make it go on. You are what made me go on, sort of. Now, puppies, bc you all are cute and are probably loyal, much like puppies.

If that'll be all... K, bye.


Ms. Page Turner

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