6 facts about me

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6 facts about me~!
Nominated by: Emily9145

1.) I used to hate literature so fucking much when i was 8 and below, thinking it was boring shit.
2.) I'm in love with fruit juices/shakes. (Srsly.)
3.) I'm an avid animal lover.
4.) I loved South park since i was eight. (Same age as the kids before. Now, i'm older than them. :( #Celebrating5YearsOfLovingSouthPark )
5.) I love playing video games even if i'm bad at it. XD
6.) I love jackets, sweaters, coats, hats, gloves, and boots. (Basically, thermal clothing.)

So, yeah. Here they are. No big surprise, right? Anyways, i nominate
- Lcorcist
- LorenTong
- BriarRaven8680
- TheCarttersShipper (lol, #NominatingYouonThisToo #SorryNotSorry XD )

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