Taking a break or a rest idk...

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Okay, i'm procrastinating.  I always promise myself on how i'm gonna work on this story and then publish it, but i didn't. And i'm really super so totally very (wrong gramma intended) sorry. I just suddenly felt like i needed a break and rest. From doing nothing? Sorta... Yep.. But it's kinda boring doing same shit everyday, and then i'm also getting myself pressure and stress because i want to upload/update fanfics for you, but somehow i just force myself to do it. So, yeah. There's that. (Don't worry, i take all the blame for this.) Again, i'm really sorry. Hopefully, once i get back i update/upload that fanfic you guys are probably waiting for like that Phan version of Vent, those South park fanfics, and also this new fanfic i'm working on. The cover's up there. And i won't say anything else about it.  And i'll also get every rp going.  So, anyways. That's all. K, bye!

~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~

Ms. Page Turner

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