My little train of thought...

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Hey, so i decided to let you in my train of thought here and let you know some shit. I know, i know... I'm scared of trains, but who cares? And i'm also bad at giving some real talk shit, but i don't give a fuck. Have i ever? That's why the first number i learned is zero, as in, zero fucks were given ever since i was born. Anyways, the train ride's about to... I don't know, start? God, it's so cold. Anyways...

1.) Know your limits
So, yeah. Know your capabilities, know what you can reach or do. Because you might strain yourself if you keep pushing. But... Don't be afraid to test out your skills and improve them, if you can, that is. This is not only for what you can do, but also with your interaction or relationship with people, know yourself what only you can say and or do to that person. Don't stoop low, don't go far.

2.) Good things happen to those who wait, but...
Better thing happen to those who work. And not just work, work HARD. Duh! Sure you can wait, be patient. That's great, good. Pray, even. But if you think you waited long enough, don't go for round two of the waiting game. Nike-- JUST DO IT. Work hard for what you want. Up until you get it. 'Cause once you're done with getting the better things in life... BEST THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WON. That's three 'W's. First step, wait. Second, work. Last, win.

3.) Take time to come out of your shell
You know how some people tell you to open up so quickly? Well, fck them. Take time to come out of your shell. Because coming out and showing your true self is a hard and long process that contains patience, understanding, and acceptance in one's self.

4.) Don't be too positive, don't be too negative.
Be realistic. Because when you think too positive and expect sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns all 'round, it will hurt you so much when things get too negative or things don't go in your way. And if you think too negative, you'll just end up hurting yourself. Just know that this is reality, anything is bound to happen whether you like it or not. And no one will give a damn if you don't like it, or if you do.

Since, that's all i could think of. Hope these motivated you for at least .69 seconds. And if it did help you out a bit for more than the mentioned time, pls. Do remember in your precious little hearts that... You need to pay me for this, loljk. Um, uh, remember that four little things i told you and remember that you're smart, strong, good-looking, talented, and there are people that love you, and even if you may not believe in God, or you hate him, whatever, he loves you too. You're worth it, and you should make the best out of your life. Ok, that's the gay part. Anyways, that's all. K, bye!

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