The 16 (South park fanfic) [lel] teaser...?

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(In le pic; from the upper left corner: going clockwise-- Cartman, Craig, Butters, Kyle, Wendy, Kenny, Tweek, and Stan.)

"Now, to say who's in where and who's in charge of that group. I've put it already in order on who has more authority. Whoever is called first is the leader, and the second is the second-in-command, so on and so forth. Imhave also aranged the groups i'm gonna call from the highest to the lowest. Anyways..The analysts are the people who are intuitive, and would more likely to go with what they think than what they feel. Their location is in the Analysts' library at the upper right corner of the town. Their color is purple." Mr. Stoker explained. "Craig Tucker-- The architect: An Imaginative and strategic thinker, with a plan for everything." He then looked at Craig and asked him to go to the Analysts' library.

"Ike Broflovski-- The Logician: An Innovative inventor with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge." Ike immediately got the message and quickly stumbled on to follow Craig.

Kyle immediately grew afraid of what he might be in, he wished and hoped to be with Ike. He wanted his name to be called next. But his hopes didn't come true. And it got him sad, on who was called next.

"Eric Cartman-- The commander: Bold, imaginative and a strong-willed leader, always finding a way - or making one." As he was called, Cartman victoriously entered the Analysts' library. He agree with Kenny earlier how he wanted to be in this group because of the word 'Anal'. Although, Cartman grew jealous of Craig, he was the leader of the analysts, while Cartman was just a third-in-command, also known as secretary.

Stan expected those words to come out of the mouth of the speaker. The description fitted Cartman well.

Kyle was still concerned, only four main representatives for a group. And they were already down to the last one. Although, he didn't lose positivity.

"Jimmy Valmer-- The debater: A Smart and curious thinker who cannot resist an intellectual challenge." Jimmy then trudged on and went for the library.

Kyle finally lost hope of being with his brother, now all he wished is for him to be treated right in there.

"Now, for the diplomats; These are also intuitive individuals, but they go more with their feelings. Their location is at the Diplomat's laboratory, at the lower left corner of town. Far from the Analysts. Their color is green.The advocate-- Kyle Broflovski: Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealist." Mr. Stoker introduced as he looked at Kyle.

Kyle sighed and stood up as he left the modern centre of the town. He made his way to the laboratory.

"The mediator-- Leopold Stotch: Poetic, a kind and altruistic person, always eager to help a good cause." And with that, Butters was scared, shocked, and yet excited. He headed straight and followed Kyle down the laboratory.

"The protagonist-- Red: Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize her listener and or listeners." Mr. Stoker then pointed at Red.

"The Campaigner-- Token Black: An Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirit, who can always find a reason to smile. Now, that'll be all for the diplomats. Now, let's move on to the Sentinels; These are the sensing ones, who are also following more on what they feel. They reside in the lower right corner of town, Sentinel's mansion. Their color is blue. Tweek Tweak-- The Logistician: A Practical and fact-minded individual, whose reliability cannot be doubted." Mr. Stoker expounded.

Stan found it such a coincidence that both Tweek and Craig got the role of the leaders. Tweek wasn't happy about it, he was nervous, surprised, gittery, panicky, and overall twitchy. Spazzing out here and there as he headed to the mansion.

"Stanley Marsh-- The defender: A Very dedicated and warm protector, always ready to defend their loved ones." Stan also found this very fitting for him, he casually walked in the mansion. Mr. Stoker said.

"Bebe Stevens-- The executive: An Excellent administrator, unsurpassed at managing things - or people." Mr. Stoker added.

"Clyde Donovan-- The consul: An Extraordinarily caring, social and popular person, always eager to help. And for the last group with the color of yellow, will stay in a castle in the upper left corner of town; The Explorers. The virtuoso-- Timmy Burch: A Bold and practical experimenter, master of all kinds of tools." Mr. Stoker explained.

"The adventurer-- Kenneth Mccormick: A Flexible and charming artist, always ready to explore and experience something new." Mr. Stoker followed.

"The entrepreneur-- Esther: A Smart, energetic and very perceptive person, who truly enjoys living on the edge." Mr. Stoker said.

"And lastly, The entertainer-- Wendy Testaburger: A Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic person - life is never boring around her." Mr. Stoker ended.

Wendy, upon hearing her low role and group made her sad, angry, and envious. Even Timmy and Esther beat her with their roles. She felt offended how Mr. Stoker didn't see her potential. A plot of taking Timmy off his role sprouted in her mind as she entered the mansion.

And thus, the start and rise of The 16.

(Random question-- What do you think about yandere Tweek? XD but not random question: Who's Mr. Stoker?)

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