Roll Call

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Cameron Dallas- 22 years old, the oldest. Loves all the boys equally. Spanks the hardest

Nash Grier- 20 years old, second oldest. Older brother of Hayes Grier. Spanks somewhat hard

Aaron Carpenter- 18 years old. Only aloud to spank when Cameron or Nash gives him permission. Caring and really sweet to everyone. Hardly ever gets spanked

Taylor Caniff- 17 years old. Gets spankings very often. Protects everyone he cares about. He can only spank when given permission

Carter Reynolds- 17 years old. Gets spanked every so often. Needs permission to spank others. Hates seeing people cry.

Shawn Mendes- 16 years old. Very sweet and innocent. Hates spankings and seeing others hurt.

Matthew Espinosa- 16 years old. Gets spankings less than Taylor but more than Carter. Hates when people are mad at him. Can't spank at all.

Jack Gilinsky- 15 years old. Very innocent to most eyes. Hates spankings and seeing people cry.

Jack Johnson- 15 years old. Loves rapping and Gilinsky. Hates anything that is unfair

Hayes Grier- 12 years old. The baby of the house. Gets in trouble for Taylor's doings a lot. Looks up to Carter, Nash, and Taylor. Gets his way most of the time.

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