Leo Valdez || Feathers Across the Seasons

Start from the beginning

A poor couples livelihood cannot afford the medicine to heal you.

They prescribed medicine was so expensive you couldn't afford it with your measly pay checks.

You left the doctors and collapsed inside your car. You didn't know what to do so you just looked to the heavens. "Mom," you whispered, "tell me how I can get the money to help Leo." You never expected an answer, but you got one.

"Child," she whispered to you, "if you truly love this boy, it's time to shed your feathers for good."

You knew exactly what she meant and you hurried home to begin your work.

The next day, and the day after I kept weaving and weaving at the loom.

You pulled out the loom Hera had gifted you and set to work carefully plucking your feathers and adding them to the tapestry. Every shaft being pulled out felt like a knife digging into your skin but you bore it. You pulled feathers until you bled, dying them red and adding them to the pictures. You only paused to take brief naps, and help Leo in whatever way you could.

Autumn's fleeting maples shed their leaves but I will not let your life fall like those leaves.

You refused to stop and refused to let Leo's life slip in between your fingers.

The season passes and the bell crickets chirp to signal the end of summer.

You slowly felt your time running out as he grew sicker and sicker. His coughing up blood became more and more constant and he threw up once or twice a day. You could just see the life draining out of him and it pained you so.

He would always smile at you and claim to be alright, but you knew better. And that's why you kept weaving.

"Such beautiful fingers," you say. But your hand gripping my scraped fingers is too, too cold.

You sat next to Leo one night holding him close as he shivered in one of his cold spells.

He played mindlessly with your scarred and bloody fingers. "Were you playing with the knives again?" he teased as another coughing fit racked his body.

You rubbed his back with a sad smile and shook your head. "No." It was something much more painful, and the tapestry was only half complete.

"If one day my beautiful fingers are no more, would you still love me?"
"Of course I would," you say coughing covering my stinging fingers in your large hand.

He gazed at you with loving eyes as he kissed you gently. "I will love you until the end of time."

Day and night, weaving by the loom.
~Ahh... The breeze of the sunset~

You spent days at the loom doing nothing but working plucking feather after feather, dying them different color's and adding them to the picture.

Hurry, I must hurry to buy the medicine.
~Cruelly blows out the life~

His time was numbered as painful as it was and you couldn't stop. You loved him too much. You were given this life for him and there was no way you were going to let him be stolen from you.

A little more, just a bit longer, before the maple leaves shed.
~Of rotting fruit, dropping them to earth~

The tapestry was almost complete and he could almost be saved. That thought was the only thing that kept you going.

Until my fingers stop until I run out of feathers.

You had to shed them all, down to the newest shaft in order to save him and you were going to do it.

"If one day, even if I'm no longer human, would you still love me?"

You breathed in deeply as you stared at the last feather sticking out of your skin. This was it. This was the last thing that bound you to your previous life and you were going to give it up to save Leo. A life for a life.

You stood in the bedroom over Leo and kissed his burning forehead tenderly. "I love you," you whispered as you left.

Too scared the truth remaining untold, softly, alone, I break off the last feather...

You sat before the loom as you plucked the last feather drawing another river of blood that dyed it red.

"Of course I will," I smile embracing you who has lost your wings.

A warm hand covered your own and strong arms wrapped around you as Leo took you into his embrace. "I love you too," he whispered as he buried his face in the crook of your neck.

"Even now, I will always remember the crane that flew so beautifully on that day."

"I remember the first time I met you," he said as he touched the feather. "You were stuck in a trap as you flapped your wings frantically trying to get free. I removed the trap from your foot and bandaged you up and you flew away."

You gasped silently and turned to face him. "You knew?"

"Of course I did. I always knew you were the crane that day. Why do you think I kept comparing you to birds? I thought it would help you with your transition." He smiled weakly as coughs arrested him again. When he finally caught his breath he looked back at you and smiled.

"And even now, I still love you...

"I loved you when I saw you flying and I still love you now." He covered the hand that held your last feather and kissed it. "And if you're willing to do this for me, I'll be forever grateful, because I'll be able to spend that much more time with you."

You smiled and kissed him gently. "I will." You turned back to the loom and wove in the last feather completing the tapestry you you and Leo in each other's arms.


You stood in the kitchen listening to the birds chirping softly as you signed wistfully.

Leo stood beside you healthy as a horse and looked at you. "Do you miss it?" he asked.

You nodded. "Yes, but I'm glad that Hera made me human anyways. I'd much rather spend the rest of my days here as a human with you."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around you tightly not letting you go.

I swear that Feathers Across the Seasons is one of the most beautiful songs I've listened to and I wanted I share it with all you. I hope you all liked it. I thought that this would be cute and I wanted to get it out there.

Can you guys please request some more. I have about one request in the line up and if it's alright with you guys Id like some more preferably with small plots. But you guys don't have to.

Anyways, I hope you all liked Feathers Across the Seasons and if you did please vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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