Let Me Show You

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There I was, in front of my family. Or, well, the front of my transparent house, basically. My mom was in bed and refused to leave it, Dad was trying so hard not to break, my older brother wasn't home, and my oldest brother was in his room, sobs coming from his unmoving body scooted into his desk. My family was broken... Even more than it is now.

Suddenly, everything in front of me flashed, so now I was in our kitchen. My family silently eating their pizza. I saw my older brother, Marcus, look over to the empty seat across from him. His light brown eyes glistened with tears.

"I miss Y/N..." Marcus spoke softly to no one in particular. The rest of my family stopped what they were doing immediately. And me? Well, my breathing stopped for a second. Marcus was that kid who hates everyone but his friends. He wouldn't talk to anyone in our family. But now, suddenly he speaks out, saying he misses me. I walked around the table so I was standing next to him. I extended my hand to touch his shoulder, but it just went straight through.

"I know..." My dad choked out, not looking up from his plate. "We all do..." And that's when my mom bursted into tears. My dad put his arms around her, and tried to calm her down. My brothers just started at them, silently crying to themselves.

"Why did they do it..." I heard my oldest brother, Chris, whisper to himself. He shot up from his seat, and slammed his fist of the table. "WHY DID THEY DO IT?!?" Chris screamed at the top of his lungs. It was as if he was waiting for answer, but no one could give him one. No one but me.

Another flash and now I'm in front of my best friend. She lays in her bed, her room not getting any light. From what I can tell, she's been there for days. Every few minutes, I can hear a whimper come from her, and then it'd stop. She moved her head, and stared at the picture of the two of us. The picture was from eighth grade graduation.

"Oh Y/N... I don't know what to do without you..." She cried.

Another flash and I'm in front of the rest of my friends. Well, my friends and the rest of the school. They're all sitting together in the auditorium, quietly asking each other why me and my best friend weren't at school today. The principle asked everyone to quiet down. She talked about how something tragic happened with one of the student in the school. She paused for a second, and then stammered about how I commit suicide the night before.

I saw the shock and sadness on everyone's face. One of my friends shot up from their seat and started yelling about how it's not true, that they just saw me yesterday. Another one of them was yelling my name. The others were either crying violently, or crying while trying to clam the two who started to yell. But they wouldn't stop. All you could hear in the auditorium were my friends crying and yelling loudly. The principle went on with whatever else they had to say. But I didn't care about what they said. I just cared about how broken my friends were. Abut how much I wanted to see their smiling faces again.

I wanted the sadness to stop. I wanted no one to care about me. My eyes burned from the tears that would not stop flowing. I don't know how long I've been crying, but I know it must have been a lone time.

The flash happened again, and now, I guess it's a year later. To the left, I could see my family and their emotions and thoughts. They were still thinking about me, wishing I was still alive so they could take me out, or show me something, or just... Hug me and never let go.

In front of me was my best friend. To everyone else, she seemed fine. Underneath her fake smile, I could see depression eating away at her. I could see all the things we planned to do together, all the late night conversations, how she wished I just would have told her something was wrong. She didn't want to go through anything like that again, but I just made it happen again. All the pain she went through all those years ago, she now dealing with again, but much worse. Now she's scared about going through all these life experiences without me there to keep her steady.

Patrick Stump ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt