Cuddle Me

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Requested by @fedorable_patrick_ (writing on mobile so I don't know if I'm able to tag you correctly)
Hope you like it c:

"Paaaatriiiiick!" You moaned from the bed you and your boyfriend share.

Today started the week of pain. Your period couldn't be worse than it is right now. When you woke up this morning, you got up and discovered you leaked everywhere and had period cramps. Accompanying the terrible period cramps, you felt really nauseous and couldn't move a muscle.

Patrick was great handling anything that concerned your period. He learned rather quickly because he only wanted you to feel comfortable during your time of distress. Whenever you need him to, he went out to get you more tampons/pads and even bought you home something that would help with your hormones.

As soon as Patrick heard you moan from the bed, he skipped in the room and fell right beside you. You rolled over to face him and smiled at him.

"Yes, Mi Amore?" Patrick beamed at you, twirling your hand in his hand.

You opened your mouth to speak but cloud it immediately. Patrick's eyes were amazingly bright today. His blue orbs pierced through your own, seeing every little thing about you. As you were staring into his eyes, you started to see the little gold ring on the inside of his iris, around the pupil. You were able to see how the color changes from gold to green and then to blue and it was beautiful. You wanted to stare into his eyes longer, but he nudged you out of your trance in order for you to tell him why you called him.

"Are you busy right now?" Patrick shook his head, not breaking eye contact. "Well... Can you stay in here and cuddle with me?"

"Anything for you, Love."

Patrick's smile grew as he inched towards you. He snaked his arms around your abdomen and pulled you closer to him. While one of his arms was around you, the other was around your head as he played with your hair. Your head was pushed into his chest, his cologne comforting you every second.

In his arms, you were happy. Despite the slight pain every now and then, you forgot about your period. Any of your worries melted away in his arms. You knew you would always be happy and safe in Patrick's arms.

Short but sweet imagines are always great now and again, aren't they?

Anyway, I'm thinking on taking a short hiatus once I publish all of the requests I got. School is next week, and I've been feeling burnt out. I may come back a week or two after school starts, but if I don't, please don't blame me. I don't have a study hall this year, and I have all honors classes, so I'm expecting to be extremely stressed.

Just a heads up. I love you guys!


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