I glared on after him, burning daggers into his back. He was so confident that I was going to follow him but I wasn't... well, I really didn't want to. I didn't want to chase after him like a little lost puppy, that's when they get control of you and start calling the shots and playing around with your emotions. And I had enough of my fair share of guys like that to last me a life time already.

But Oli had answers. Answers I wanted to know but also afraid to find out what those answers might be... But I had this annoying tiny voice at the back of my head telling me to go after him, otherwise the unknown is going to take over my sad pathetic life.

I cursed under my breath, and I stupidly get out of my car slamming the door shut behind me and following Oli into the park down the street. I knew I was going to regret this.

I kept my distance walking behind him, refusing to say anything until our "walk" had ended. It was fairly cold out, I had my coat zipped up to the top with a frown permanently on my face as Oli took his time finding a destination. A grey cloud loomed over us no doubt it will start to rain soon and the wind started picking up causing me to shiver. Ugh, I hated the cold and I hated walking.

My eyes scattered around the park and noticed that the few people who were walking by us had disappeared from the park entirely, leaving me and Oli the only ones in here. Strange.

We finally come to a playground where there were a couple of swings which Oli takes a seat on one of them.

"Take a seat." He says, motioning his hand to the empty swing beside him but I stay standing not wanting to give him any control of telling me what to do whatsoever.

"I didn't follow you to play games Oli." I cross my arms against my chest and huffed in annoyance.

"Then why did you follow me?"

"I want answers."

His eyes fixed on me but they remain unreadable, I didn't like that. He was also being quiet and weird which I also didn't like either. He nods at me, signalling to start asking away the many questions that I had for him.

I didn't even know where to begin, I had so many questions rattling around in my brain for the last two weeks and now I didn't know which one to ask first. Typical but I guess I should ask with the most obvious.

"Why didn't you tell me about your conversation with Dan in the nightclub toilets?" he rolled his eyes at my question looking rather annoyed when his eyes landed back on me.

"Really Josh?" he says raising an eyebrow, clearly irritated that I've asked him that particular question.

"I want to know why you didn't tell me." and I see the anger stretch over his face.

"Did it ever occur to you that I was high off my fucking face that night? That maybe, I didn't even remember meeting him myself!" He scowls and I stand there feeling like a complete idiot.

I duck my head down in shame, like a little school boy getting told off by his teacher. Ugh, I hated that he treated me like a kid but of course he was high off his face that he couldn't even remember. That explains a lot about the events which happen that night... I mean I shouldn't be so annoyed about it really.

I Knew You Were Trouble - (Fransykes)Where stories live. Discover now