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Luke knocked on Michael's door nervously. He had finished his homework about ten minutes ago and decided to come and visit Michael. He had so much makeup work from skipping the day before and he just really needed something to relax his mind. Basically why he went to Michael. Michael always made his mind fuzzy.

Luke waited a few moments but soon the door was opened to reveal a shirtless Michael who was only wearing his boxers. His hair was pressed against his forehead and he seemed that to be out of breath.

"Oh fuck, Luke," Michael rushed out, running out of Luke's sight and then coming back in with an old Green Day shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"Why were you so out of breath? Your bedroom is literally down the hall from the front door," Luke asked, a look of confusion gracing his features and Michael mentally cursed.

"Nothing," Michael said, nervously fiddling with the fabric of his t-shirt.

"Okay, just know Poseidon doesn't like liars," Luke commented.

He pushed past Michael and walked to the black-haired boy's room, leaving Michael behind him to eventually catch up. Michael awkwardly followed behind, making his way into the room after the blue-haired boy.

Michael sat down on his bed stiffly. Luke just happened to show up at the worst possible time. His dad was out of town for a business trip and he finally had the desired free time he had needed. The type of free time that normally no one else was there to enjoy.

Michael honestly would've been fine just sitting on his bed with Luke- knowing his boner would've eventually painfully gone away- until the cause of the problem decided to crawl on his lap.

"You suck at cuddling today," Luke said, noticing how tense the older boy was. Michael just nodded his head and hoped Luke would stay still.

The blue-haired boy continued to Michael and Michael would only give a few short responses. He felt as if his whole body was on fire and Luke was just casually drinking a glass of water and watching him burn. Luke shifted so that he could be more comfortable and that's when he felt it.

Luke shifted again, to only confirm his suspicions, and knew it was true when Michael let out a choked groan.

"Michael!" Luke gasped, climbing off Michael's lap.

He turned to face the older boy and knew something was wrong by the red face he had.

"Sorry. Sorry. You kind of just showed up and I wasn't planning on it. I'll be back in ten minutes," Michael defended himself.

"Wait, but were you? On this bed?" Luke stuttered out, not exactly wanting to be in the area Michael had almost climaxed.

All he got in response was a shrug of the shoulders.

"Gross. I'll be in the living room until you change the sheets," Luke said, standing up and making his way out and leaving Michael to sort himself out.

Michael definitely watched as Luke purposely swung his hips back and forth and kept it in his mind for when he'd fix his problem.


"Michael! I don't know what I'm doing," Luke whined, throwing the XBOX controller onto the floor.

Michael had suggested that they tried playing video games again and Luke was utterly failing. He had killed himself off over thirty three times and had taken some of Michael's lives as well to stay alive. They were playing Super Smash Brothers and Luke had never played a game that was so difficult. He preferred tic tac tail or sharks and minnows.

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