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"So wait, you meant that you didn't eat fish when you said you were vegetarian?" Calum asked, looking at Luke incredulously.

"Yeah, I don't really know another word for it and I don't eat that other thing that would make me not a vegetarian very often so I say I'm vegetarian," Luke explained, nervous that Calum would catch on to the fact that he truly had no idea on what he was saying.

They were walking down the crowded hallway together, on their way to their last bell, fifth bell, which was gym. They didn't have the class with Michael or Ashton so Luke was so glad. He was getting time alone with his soulmate.

"That's cool though, that you don't eat fish. I know a lot of people that love fish, especially since we live on the coast. It surprises me but it's cool," Calum explained.

Luke just nodded his head at what the black haired boy was saying since he didn't really know how to continue the conversation.

"And you're from where again?" Calum asked, he had heard a bit of the boys backstory but not completely.

"I lived in Perth with my parents. Some stuff occurred in the family so I just decided to move out with my aunt," Luke explained, he had been practicing his back story with his aunt for the longest time so that she made sure he wouldn't expose their kind.

"What happened with your family? If you don't want to talk about it, it's cool," Calum asked. He wanted Luke to trust him and to be his friend. He felt bad for him for moving in halfway through year 12.

"I wanted to go to an actual high school and the one near our house wasn't good. It was really crappie," Luke answered, "I guess it isn't as bad as I made it sound. I just wanted something new."

"That makes sense. You were home schooled for a long time," Calum said, shrugging his shoulders. He lead Luke to the gymnasium, opening the door and allowing for the blue haired boy to walk in in front of him.

"I'm going to go bring you to coach. He'll need to talk to you since you don't have your uniform. We're on our swimming unit so you'll have to sit out for today," Calum explained.

The dark haired boy placed his hand gently on the back of the other boy and brought him towards a burly, large man. Luke immediately felt intimidated next to the tall man.

"Hey Coach, this is Luke. He's new," Calum introduced, once knowing the blue haired boy would not talk.

"Ah, Hemmings. He's on the roster," the coach said looking up from his clipboard, "I'm Coach Adams and I'm the gym and swim and football and track and basically any other sport coach."

"Hi Mr. Coach Adams. I'm Luke," Luke said nervously, tugging on the hem of his Sleeping With Sirens t-shirt. The only reason he had it was because he had actually slept with a siren before and it was quite nice so he assumed the band was nice as well. His aunt had tried to explain to him that it wasn't the same but Luke didn't believe her. He wanted to remember as much about the ocean as possible.

"Yeah, if you ever want to try out for a sport, ask him about it. He most likely runs it," Calum added in.

"I'm not sure if I'll want to be starting a sport so soon. I have a while before I decide if I want to or not," Luke said and Calum nodded his head, understanding where Luke was coming from.

Luke knew he wouldn't join a sport though. He had a month on max on land and he'd probably be able to stay for not even a quarter of a season with most sports that he didn't even know how to play.

"Since we can't get your uniform today, you can just go sit out and watch the rest of the kids go through their class. You can start tomorrow Hemmings," Coach Adams said. He pointed out the bleachers and Luke went and sat down.

He pulled out one of his notebooks and started taking notes and doodles on his day. He didn't have anything to do for the next hour and a half so he could basically do anything. Luke wrote notes on everyone he had met. He had to be observant if he wanted to find his soulmate in time. He wrote about Ashton and how sweet he was. He wrote about Calum and how cute and caring he was. Luke then proceeded to write three pages on how rude Michael was and how he pushed Luke's barnacles.


It feels weird actually seeing all the notifications for these stories now since Internet Friends always grossed so much and idk. I have two stories that I really am excited to start though so I can't wait to finish Cracked Ice and PCD and If You Don't Know soon.


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